
3DS Max R4.2 Exporter Plugin Texturing Problem

Started by February 19, 2002 02:49 PM
1 comment, last by sherman 22Β years, 8Β months ago
Dear all, It seems that I am still having problems with my 3D model importer and eignafx''s tip on drawing all the 3 vertices of all the faces in the model didn''t seem to help. So, if anybody knows how I can fix the problem, please tell me. Here is my Max 4.2 exporter code (all source code from here and output at the end): // Write basic mesh data (excluding bone data) to file. bool writeMeshData( INode* ptrINode, fstream& m_fsOutFile, ofstream* ofsTextFile ) { // If selected node is not valid and is not a mesh. if ((!ptrINode)||(!IsMesh(ptrINode))) { // Return failure. return false; } // Get transformation matrix for the selected mesh. Matrix3 tm = ptrINode->GetObjectTM(0); // Get the state of the selected mesh. ObjectState os = ptrINode->EvalWorldState(0); int iDummy; // Get a handle to the mesh. Mesh& mesh = *(( (GeomObject*) os.obj)-> GetRenderMesh(0,ptrINode,s_nullView,iDummy)); // Gets the current position in file. long lStartPosition = m_fsOutFile.tellg(); // Skip the mesh header section. m_fsOutFile.seekg( sizeof(StructS3DMesh), ios::cur); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write StructS3DModelVertex ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// *ofsTextFile << "\n" << "[StructS3DModelVertex Section]" << "\n"; // Create a mesh header. StructS3DMesh structs3dmeshHeader; // Allocate memory for the mesh header. memset(&structs3dmeshHeader, 0, sizeof(StructS3DMesh)); // Get the mesh vertex count. structs3dmeshHeader.m_iS3dmodelvertexCount = mesh.getNumVerts(); // Get the offset in the file to the StructS3DModelVertex section. structs3dmeshHeader.m_lS3dmodelvertexOffset = m_fsOutFile.tellg(); // build the normals mesh.buildNormals(); // Loop through all the vertices for( int i = 0; i < structs3dmeshHeader.m_iS3dmodelvertexCount; i++ ) { // Get the vertex coordinates. // Remember to multiply by Max''s transformation matrix. Point3 pnt = mesh.getVert(i) * tm; // Get the vertex normals. Point3 norm = Normalize(mesh.getNormal(i)); // Get the vertex texture coordinates. UVVert uvTexCoordinates = getTextureUV(i, &mesh); // Create temporary StructS3DModelVertex structure. StructS3DModelVertex structs3dmodelvertexTemp; // Allocate memory for the vertex structure. memset( &structs3dmodelvertexTemp, 0, sizeof(StructS3DModelVertex) ); // Store the collected vertex data into // our structure to be written to file. structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX = pnt.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iY = pnt.z; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iZ = pnt.y; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormX = norm.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormY = norm.z; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormZ = norm.y; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iU = uvTexCoordinates.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iV = uvTexCoordinates.y; // Write StructS3DModelVertex structure to file. m_fsOutFile.write( (char*)&structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX, sizeof(float) * 8 ); ///////// *ofsTextFile << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iY << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iZ << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormX << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormY << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormZ << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iU << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iV << " " << "\n"; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write Faces ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// *ofsTextFile << "\n" << "[Faces Section]" << "\n"; // get the number of faces. structs3dmeshHeader.m_iFaceCount = mesh.getNumFaces(); // get the offset to the faces. structs3dmeshHeader.m_lFaceOffset = m_fsOutFile.tellg(); // Loop throuh all the faces. for(i = 0; i < structs3dmeshHeader.m_iFaceCount; i++) { // Create a face header. StructS3DFace structs3dfaceHeader; // Allocate memory for the face header. memset(&structs3dfaceHeader, 0, sizeof(StructS3DFace)); // Get face data. structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[0] = mesh.faces.v[0]; structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[1] = mesh.faces.v[1]; structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[2] = mesh.faces.v[2]; // Write faces to file. m_fsOutFile.write( (char*)&structs3dfaceHeader, sizeof(StructS3DFace) ); ///////// *ofsTextFile << structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[0] << " " << structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[1] << " " << structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[2] << " " << "\n"; // Create temporary StructS3DModelVertex structure. StructS3DModelVertex structs3dmodelvertexTemp; // Allocate memory for the vertex structure. memset( &structs3dmodelvertexTemp, 0, sizeof(StructS3DModelVertex) ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the vertex coordinates for the first face vertex. Point3 pnt = mesh.getVert(structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[0]) * tm; // Get the vertex normal. Point3 norm = Normalize(mesh.getNormal( structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[0])); // Get the texture coordinates. UVVert& uv = mesh.tVerts[mesh.tvFace.t[0]]; // Fill in our vertex structure to be written to file. structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX = pnt.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iY = pnt.z; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iZ = pnt.y; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormX = norm.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormY = norm.z; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormZ = norm.y; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iU = uv.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iV = uv.y; // Write StructS3DModelVertex structure to file. m_fsOutFile.write( (char*)&structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX, sizeof(float) * 8 ); ///////// *ofsTextFile << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iY << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iZ << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormX << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormY << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormZ << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iU << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iV << " " << "\n"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the vertex coordinates for the second face vertex. pnt = mesh.getVert(structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[1]) * tm; // Get the vertex normal. norm = Normalize(mesh.getNormal( structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[1])); // Get the texture coordinates. uv = mesh.tVerts[mesh.tvFace.t[1]]; // Fill in our vertex structure to be written to file. structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX = pnt.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iY = pnt.z; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iZ = pnt.y; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormX = norm.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormY = norm.z; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormZ = norm.y; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iU = uv.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iV = uv.y; // Write StructS3DModelVertex structure to file. m_fsOutFile.write( (char*)&structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX, sizeof(float) * 8 ); ///////// *ofsTextFile << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iY << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iZ << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormX << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormY << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormZ << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iU << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iV << " " << "\n"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the vertex coordinates for the third face vertex. pnt = mesh.getVert(structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[2]) * tm; // Get the vertex normal. norm = Normalize(mesh.getNormal( structs3dfaceHeader.m_usVertexIndex[2])); // Get the texture coordinates. uv = mesh.tVerts[mesh.tvFace.t[2]]; // Fill in our vertex structure to be written to file. structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX = pnt.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iY = pnt.z; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iZ = pnt.y; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormX = norm.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormY = norm.z; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormZ = norm.y; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iU = uv.x; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iV = uv.y; // Write StructS3DModelVertex structure to file. m_fsOutFile.write( (char*)&structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX, sizeof(float) * 8 ); ///////// *ofsTextFile << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iY << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iZ << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormX << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormY << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormZ << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iU << " " << structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iV << " " << "\n"; }// End loop through all faces. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get texture info. // Get the material for the selected node. Mtl* curMat = ptrINode->GetMtl(); // Create a texture map slot. Texmap* texmapSlot = NULL; // Loop through all the texture maps in the material. for (i=0; i < curMat->NumSubTexmaps(); i++) { // Get the current texture map. texmapSlot = curMat->GetSubTexmap(i); // If the there is a valid texture map. if (texmapSlot) { // If the texture map is a bitmap texture. if ( texmapSlot->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0x00) ) { // Get the entire path name of the bitmap texture. TSTR tstrMapName = ((BitmapTex *)texmapSlot)->GetMapName(); // Extract file name. TSTR tstrPathName, tstrFileName; SplitPathFile( tstrMapName, &tstrPathName, &tstrFileName ); // Copy the file name into our structure to be // written to file. _tcscpy( structs3dmeshHeader.m_strTextureName, tstrFileName ); } // End if bitmap texture. } // End if valid texture map slot. } // End loop through all texture maps in the material. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the current position in file. long lEndPosition = m_fsOutFile.tellg(); // Go to start position. m_fsOutFile.seekg(lStartPosition); ///// *ofsTextFile << "\n" << "[Mesh Header Section]" << "\n"; // Write mesh header class to file. m_fsOutFile.write( (char*)&structs3dmeshHeader, sizeof(StructS3DMesh) ); ///////// *ofsTextFile << structs3dmeshHeader.m_iS3dmodelvertexCount << endl << structs3dmeshHeader.m_lS3dmodelvertexOffset << endl << structs3dmeshHeader.m_iFaceCount << endl << structs3dmeshHeader.m_lFaceOffset << endl << structs3dmeshHeader.m_strTextureName << endl << "\n"; // Go to end position. m_fsOutFile.seekg(lEndPosition); // Return success. return true; } // Get texture coordinates from a vertex. UVVert getTextureUV(int iVertexIndex, Mesh* mesh) { UVVert uvTextureCoordinates; // If mesh has valid vertices and faces if ( mesh->tVerts && mesh->tvFace ) { // Loop through all the faces. for ( int i = 0; i < mesh->numFaces; i++ ) { // Loop through the 3 vertices of the face. for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { // If the vertex index passed in matches // the vertex of the face. if ( mesh->faces.v[j] == iVertexIndex ) { // Obtain the texture coordinates for it. uvTextureCoordinates = mesh->tVerts[mesh->tvFace.t[j]]; } // End vertex index and face vertex index match } // End face vertex index loop. } // End face loop. // Return the texture coordinates. return uvTextureCoordinates; } // End if valid vertices and faces. // Return failure return NULL; } Here is my importer code: //—————————————————————————– // Name: setModelData() // Desc: Sets the model data by deciphering from the buffer. //—————————————————————————– bool S3DModel::setModelData( S3DSystem* ptrS3dsystemCapsule ) { // Create a local pointer to the memory buffer // containing the 3D model data. const char* ptrCharModelData = m_ptrCharModelData; // Obtain the file version by casting. const unsigned long* ptrUlS3DVersion = ( const unsigned long* ) ptrCharModelData; // If not the correct file version. if ( *ptrUlS3DVersion != s_ulS3DVersion ) { // Notify user. ptrS3dsystemCapsule->displayMessage( "Incorrect S3D model file version. Please only use valid *.s3d files." ); // Return model load failure. return false; } // Skip file version data. ptrCharModelData += sizeof( s_ulS3DVersion ); // Skip model header data. ptrCharModelData += sizeof( StructS3DModel ); // Obtain the mesh structure. m_ptrStructs3dmeshData = ( StructS3DMesh* ) ptrCharModelData; // Save the texture name. strcpy( m_strTextureName, m_ptrStructs3dmeshData->m_strTextureName ); // Skip mesh header data. ptrCharModelData += sizeof( StructS3DMesh ); // Record the current position in the buffer.. const char* ptrCharSavedPosition = ptrCharModelData; // Skip to face data. ptrCharModelData = m_ptrCharModelData + m_ptrStructs3dmeshData->m_lFaceOffset; // Clear the STL vector to store the indices of our faces. m_vecUsIndices.clear(); // Clear the STL vector to store the vertices of our face. m_vecStructs3dmodelvertexContainer.clear(); // Loop through all the face data. for ( int i = 0; i < (m_ptrStructs3dmeshData->m_iFaceCount); i++ ) { // Create a temporary face structure pointer. StructS3DFace* ptrStructs3dfaceTemp; // Obtain the face data by casting. ptrStructs3dfaceTemp = ( StructS3DFace* ) ptrCharModelData; //cout << ptrStructs3dfaceTemp->m_usVertexIndex[0] << " "; //cout << ptrStructs3dfaceTemp->m_usVertexIndex[1] << " "; //cout << ptrStructs3dfaceTemp->m_usVertexIndex[2] << " "; // Store the face data. m_vecUsIndices. push_back( ptrStructs3dfaceTemp->m_usVertexIndex[0] ); m_vecUsIndices. push_back( ptrStructs3dfaceTemp->m_usVertexIndex[1] ); m_vecUsIndices. push_back( ptrStructs3dfaceTemp->m_usVertexIndex[2] ); // Skip this particular face structure. ptrCharModelData += sizeof( StructS3DFace ); // Loop through all the 3 vertices of the face. for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) { // Create a temporary model vertex structure pointer. StructS3DModelVertex* ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp; // Obtain the model vertex data by casting. ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp = ( StructS3DModelVertex* ) ptrCharModelData; // Create a temporary model vertex structure. StructS3DModelVertex structs3dmodelvertexTemp; // Fill in the data of the model vertex structure. structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iX = ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp->m_iX; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iY = ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp->m_iY; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iZ = ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp->m_iZ; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormX = ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp->m_iNormX; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormY = ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp->m_iNormY; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iNormZ = ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp->m_iNormZ; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iU = ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp->m_iU; structs3dmodelvertexTemp.m_iV = 1 - ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp->m_iV; //cout << ptrStructs3dmodelvertexTemp->m_iNormZ << " "; // Store the vertex data. m_vecStructs3dmodelvertexContainer. push_back( structs3dmodelvertexTemp ); // Skip this particular model vertex structure. ptrCharModelData += sizeof( StructS3DModelVertex ); } } // End loop through faces. //cout << m_vecStructs3dmodelvertexContainer[4484].m_iU; //cout << m_vecStructs3dmodelvertexContainer.size() << " "; // Create iterators. std::vector::iterator itrStructs3dmodelvertex = m_vecStructs3dmodelvertexContainer.begin(); // Create vertex buffer. ptrS3dsystemCapsule->createVertexBuffer( sizeof(StructS3DModelVertex) * m_vecStructs3dmodelvertexContainer.size(), sizeof(StructS3DModelVertex), m_ptrStructs3dmeshData->m_iFaceCount, itrStructs3dmodelvertex ); // return success. return true; } //—————————————————————————– // Name: renderModel() // Desc: Renders the loaded model. //—————————————————————————– void S3DModel::renderModel( float fX, float fY, float fZ, S3DSystem* ptrS3dsystemCapsule, S3DRender* ptrS3drenderModule ) { // Ensure position is the one directly infront of camera // by adjusting the view matrix. The size of the fonts // are also scaled. S3DMath::S3DMatrix s3dmatrixView; s3dmatrixView.identity(); s3dmatrixView[0][0] = 0.3f; s3dmatrixView[1][1] = 0.3f; s3dmatrixView[2][2] = 0.3f; s3dmatrixView[3][0] = fX; s3dmatrixView[3][1] = fY; s3dmatrixView[3][2] = fZ; // Invoke setTransforms, which will eventually set our // 3D API''s view matrix. ptrS3drenderModule->setTransforms( ptrS3dsystemCapsule, VIEW_TRANSFORM, &s3dmatrixView ); // Create iterators. std::vector::iterator itrInt = m_vecUsIndices.begin(); std::vector::iterator itrStructs3dmodelvertex = m_vecStructs3dmodelvertexContainer.begin(); // Invoke the render function. ptrS3drenderModule->renderNonIndexed( ptrS3dsystemCapsule, 0, sizeof(StructS3DModelVertex), m_ptrStructs3dmeshData->m_iFaceCount ); /* ptrS3drenderModule->render( ptrS3dsystemCapsule, 0, m_ptrStructs3dmeshData->m_iS3dmodelvertexCount, m_ptrStructs3dmeshData->m_iFaceCount, itrInt, itrStructs3dmodelvertex, sizeof(StructS3DModelVertex) ); */ } Here is my output: Ummm, anybody knows what I am doing wrong? Thanks! ^_^ Best regards, Sherman </i>
_________________ Best regards, Sherman Chin Director Sherman3D (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
you are in the incorrect group, because it is a artist group not programmer :-(


"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revoluciΓ³n"
-----------------------------------------------"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revoluciΓ³n"
Dear eng3D,

Thanks for your reply. Just trying my luck since my post in the 3D Graphics Programming
forum yielded no replies. ;_;

Best regards,
_________________ Best regards, Sherman Chin Director Sherman3D (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

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