
New demo... again..

Started by February 17, 2002 07:49 AM
37 comments, last by _DarkWIng_ 22 years, 10 months ago
EXCELLENT MAN !! The lens flare was nice, it added a great effect. The terrain was nice aswell, and the skybox was purty

It ran silky smooth the whole time, even with the large terrain.

Win 98se
XP 1800
256 pc2100 ddr
WD 20 gig 7200
Hercules 3D Prophet III

keep it up man, it looks great.

The Kid

I don''''t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.
I don''t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.
Very cool

AMD XP 1800
Win XP Pro
GeForce3 Ti 500

- Waverider
A healthy humility and more realistic approach towards what you know comes from realizing what other people know, too.

[edited by - Waverider on April 16, 2002 10:35:44 PM]
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
Cool. Ran smooth through entire sequence. Just need some LOTR figures on the battle field now.

Athlon 1.2GHz
Win2k Pro, 512MB SDRAM

Full screen Avg FPS 55.5
Mirko, just a quick question/tip... why do you need to clear the depth buffer after drawing the skydome?

Wouldn''t it work exactly the same if you just disabled depth writes (ie glDepthMask) while drawing the skydome (which I assume you draw first, before drawing everything else) ...this way, you don''t get your landscape clipped by the dome, and you avoid a clear operation... its all good

Another added bonus of this approach is that no matter how high some object may fly in the sky (like a plane overhead or sumfin), it will never go outside the dome... it reallt makes the sky seem infinitely far away...
Bad Monkey : I know about that. But that''s an old demo. I fixed it some time ago. LOTR demo will have this fixed.

There are more worlds than the one that you hold in your hand...
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
I only get 0.1 fps on my win2k box...
It is not playable (shame, it looked really good!)

* voodoo5 5500 (64 megs)
* athlon 950 MHz
* 256 Mbytes RAM

there''s nothing wrong with my system (i hope), Quake III plays at 50-90 fps on average w/ full quality... Is there something about the Voodoo5 that doesn''t go great with your demo?

50mb seems to be an aweful lot of memory to use for a fairly small block of terrain... :/
Crashes my XP box also

WindowsXP Pro
Athlon XP 1800+
Permedia2 3d graphics card, 4mb :D
(My old Ge Force died)

I Get exactly the same errors as the other premedia2 guy.
i figure its the shit video card that barely supports opengl properly
nice demo Mirko, but it ran very slowly on my system and i cant see anything on the menu.

total FPS 1.4

Win 98
P3 866Mhz
Trident Blade 3D
128 mb

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