
New demo... again..

Started by February 17, 2002 07:49 AM
37 comments, last by _DarkWIng_ 22 years, 10 months ago
Pretty good!... if it werent for the distance clipping (not very smooth), I''d say totally great

Windows Millenium.
PIII 600Mhz
GeForce2 Ultra
256mb ram

fps - 43 (average)... running large land_x.

IMHO, the start of something great nice work.
"Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will have warmth for the rest of his life"
Very cool,.....

about 20fps (fullscreen) on a Pentium 3 666Mhz, 256Mb RAM, Creative RivaTNT2 32MB, Win98se......

Original post by _DarkWIng_
I''ve got idea by reading a papaer called "Fast Horizon Computation at All Points Of Terrain Vith Visibility And Shading Applications"

Can you give a link to the article ??? I''ve been been trying to create such an algorithm but can''t get it to work....
--------<a href=">Reverse Pop Culture
Great Demo - but I have a few questions regarding it.

1) Why does the demo run slower in wireframe. Its my understanding that it should be a little more faster in wireframe or am I missing something here.

2) It gives me 14 fps. For a smooth animation shouldn't I be getting more that 24 fps. Is 14 fps right ?

Here is my system specification
P4 - 1.4GHZ

Thank you.

[edited by - flame_warrior on April 15, 2002 11:31:51 PM]
Hello from my world
Win2K Pro
NVidia GeForce2 MX 64

Looks awesome. I''m getting between 30 and 40 fps with all the bells and whistles on.
Works great about 40fps

Windows 2000 Pro
Athlon 1800+
GeForce3 Ti200

O_O... just an observation... but loads of you guys have WAY better computers than me... and are getting worse fps counts :/

Also.... about my earlier comment (distance culling not being very smooth). I turned "clear depth buffer after sky draw" to TRUE... and it fixed it.. looking good.
"Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will have warmth for the rest of his life"
Wow...I really like the sun effect (not the lense flare particularly, but the fading out of the screen). Overall, very cool.

Ok, Avg FPS following the particles around in windowed mode: 75fps
Avg FPS following the particles around in fullscreen mode: 90fps
Avg FPS looking across a field from the top of a mountain in windowed mode: 35fps
Avg FPS looking across a field from the top of a mountain in fullscreen mode: 60fps

Note, all of these are with the two sky options on (animate and depth buffer clearing).

Machine Stats:
WinXP Pro
AMD 1.47GHz
512MB Ram
GeForce4 TI4600

If I went into certain places I could get the FPS well above a hundred, but overall that''s what I got. Watching the current fps was kinda interesting, though, because it''d jump around a lot (seem to be going from 100+ to approximately 28 and back repeatedly). It seemed to run smoothly, though, so I''m figuring you are reseting that FPS timer and it''s building its way back up.

If that''s the case, depending on how often you clear it, I''d suggest storing the value in a variable right before you clear it and display that until you clear it again (one second or whatever you use for timing). I''ve done that in my stuff so far because when I display current FPS I''ll get division by zero problems (some test versions have run over 1000fps, so a frame comes around before even a high-performance counter ticks once).

As I said before, it looks good! Keep it up!
Crashes my XP box.

WindowsXP Pro
P2 400
Permedia2 3d graphics card, 4mb :D

Crashes in windowed and full-screen. I get the splash/loading screen, tells me that it doesn''t support multi-texturing or vertex buffer locking, then once the bar gets almost to the end, it crashes.

Log file:
"File open at 12:14:31 04/16/02
* Logging Class by Mirko Teran-Ravnikar
* Created for Unity engine
- Initializing window
- Loading TGA: Textures\loader1a.tga
- Loading TGA: Textures\loader1b.tga
- DirectInput initiation...
- Loading TrueType fonts from Times New Roman
- Loading TGA: Textures\grass_3_128.tga
- Loading TGA: Textures\dirt_2_256.tga
- Loading INI file : Config\land_x.txt
- Generating terrain map (size=257)
- Compiling QuadTree
- Loading INI file : config\PS0.txt
- Loading INI file : config\PS_Emiter_Point_0.txt
- Loading INI file : config\Lens_Sun.txt
- Init sequence complete..."

Appears to be crashing after it initializes everything.

Billy -
By the way, windowed mode = software rendering on this graphics card.

Billy -
flame_warrior : wireframe is slower becouse most cards don't have HW accelated line drawing (they draw lines with 2 triangles)

Dragonskin : that FPS unstability is becouse occlusion culling.. its still experimental...

AP : it requires multitexturing and CVA.. or else, guess what : it crashes ..sorry (will be fixed in next verison)

There are more worlds than the one that you hold in your hand...

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on April 16, 2002 1:22:37 PM]
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

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