Wow...I really like the sun effect (not the lense flare particularly, but the fading out of the screen). Overall, very cool.
Ok, Avg FPS following the particles around in windowed mode: 75fps
Avg FPS following the particles around in fullscreen mode: 90fps
Avg FPS looking across a field from the top of a mountain in windowed mode: 35fps
Avg FPS looking across a field from the top of a mountain in fullscreen mode: 60fps
Note, all of these are with the two sky options on (animate and depth buffer clearing).
Machine Stats:
WinXP Pro
AMD 1.47GHz
512MB Ram
GeForce4 TI4600
If I went into certain places I could get the FPS well above a hundred, but overall that''s what I got. Watching the current fps was kinda interesting, though, because it''d jump around a lot (seem to be going from 100+ to approximately 28 and back repeatedly). It seemed to run smoothly, though, so I''m figuring you are reseting that FPS timer and it''s building its way back up.
If that''s the case, depending on how often you clear it, I''d suggest storing the value in a variable right before you clear it and display that until you clear it again (one second or whatever you use for timing). I''ve done that in my stuff so far because when I display current FPS I''ll get division by zero problems (some test versions have run over 1000fps, so a frame comes around before even a high-performance counter ticks once).
As I said before, it looks good! Keep it up!