
What WM_ message am i missing????

Started by February 14, 2000 05:49 PM
3 comments, last by Enix 25 years ago
None of my windows are drawn when they first appear. ive tried sending the WM_PAINT message to all of my new windows, but this does not help. The windows are drawn fine once they are resized though. im cleary missing some message here, anyone know what message this might be?
Well, hmm. WM_PAINT is pretty low priority. Is it possible it''s getting stuck in your queue someplace, due to timer messages or something? And are you sure WM_PAINT is being sent and set up right? (WM_SIZING internally calls the paint routine)

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Call InvalidateRect(...); instead of posting a WM_PAINT message when you want windows to redraw your window.

Are you calling UpdateWindow() and ShowWindow() in your WinMain() ? i think you wont see anything until youve done this.
You creating the window with the WS_VISIBLE style?
Hope this helps
Cliffski is right. Your window is invalid until you call UpdateWindow or use the WS_VISIBLE style which validates it automatically.

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