
3D Space Combat

Started by February 15, 2002 11:20 PM
5 comments, last by M_R_Ducs 23 years ago
Can anyone tell me or poiint me in the direction of some tutrorials on 3D Space movement. I trie using Spherical coordinates, but it doesn''t quite work right. My goal is to have a movement systen like that of the Wing Commander series, or the Descent games. Thanks.
Are you asking how to move an object through 3D space in the direction that it''s pointing? If that''s it, I might be able to help...


I finally got it all together...
...and then forgot where I put it.
Yes, kinda. I can up to a certain point. The problem is, I can''t figure out how to make the object move left, not just rotate to the left. When facing straight up, when I press the right arrow, I want the mesh to move to the right, not just rotate to the right. I know that will have to have something to do with rotating on the Z axis some, but I don''t know how to obtain that amount. - M R Ducs
AdmiralBinary, I would still like to hear your solution.
I don`t know how WC or Desent works.

I`ve played jet fighter sims and the xwing series,
I could probably help you alot if the motion you want is realistic or X-Wing.

Sweet. I'm shooting for something like X-Wing Alliance. I anxiously await your solution....

Edited by - M_R_Ducs on February 17, 2002 1:25:54 PM
Just a couple links for your own info:

<a href="">Link 1</a>
<a href="">Link 2</a>
<a href="">This one is probably the most helpful</a>

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