i''m trying to implement a SetPixel function (should be easy, huh?) but i can''t get the frigging thing to work! it only draws half the pixels i tell it to.
void SetPixel(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 surf, int x, int y, DWORD color)
ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
GameError("SetPixel: Couldn''t get surface desc");
if(FAILED(surf->Lock(NULL, &ddsd, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL)))
GameError("SetPixel: Couldn''t Lock the surface");
int pos = y*ddsd.lPitch+x;
BYTE *dest = (BYTE *)ddsd.lpSurface;
dest[pos] = color;
// BYTE *dest = (BYTE *)ddsd.lpSurface;
// dest += ddsd.lPitch*y;
// dest[x] = color;
GameError("SetPixel: Couldn''t Unlock the surface");
in my game loop, i have this:
for(int x=0; x<1024; x++)
SetPixel(BackBuff, x, 0, GetRGB(255,255,255));
my app is 1024x768, btw. the problem is it only draws halfway across the screen rather than drawing a white line all the way across the first row of pixels. sorry about the long post. Thanks
SetPixel DDraw function
Did you try using other pointer types for the dest variable? I think it may have to be WORD * or DWORD * instead of BYTE *.
oh my god, i can''t beleive i did that. of course it doesn''t work, my surface is in 16 bit (DWORD) and i tried filling it with 8 bit (BYTE). thanks for pointing that out!
_________________Gecko___Gecko Design
you will probably need to declare your pointer at WORD, but you will need to divide your pitch by 2, because it is given in number of bytes and you need the number of words
cyberg- cyberg_coder@hotmail.com- http://members.xoom.com/cybergsoft
aaaaaahhhhhhhh... i saved thousands and thousands of dollars by switching to Gieko!
Carl "trixter"[email=carl@trixoft.com]carl@trixoft.com[/email]http://www.trixoft.com
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