
Meta Tag Madness!

Started by February 13, 2000 10:33 AM
0 comments, last by C++ Freak 24 years, 7 months ago
I have added meta tags to my web page however when I searched for it I got 0 results. I searched using Alta Vista (which I know uses meta tags). Here are my tags <meta NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Download games, get goodies for the bob game engine, and view information on our games"> <meta NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="ivanickgames games game programming shareware shooting gallery asteroid attack"> I searched for ivanickgames but I got zero results. I have ivanickgames included in my keywords meta tag so that is why I am confused. Visit
This isn''t really the right forum for this, but...

The search engines need time to index your page. They don''t actually search every page every time you type in a query. (Think about how long it takes to load a single page, then think how long it would take to check every page on the net, given that there are well over a billion pages.) Instead, the search engines use "spiders" which are small programs which simply work their way around, following links everywhere, and periodically re-checking known pages. They do this to maintain their very large database of info on known pages. It could take anywhere from a few days to a month or more to them to see your changes. However, may engines also have a feature enabling you to request that a given page be indexed. You should investigate that, once you''re sure you have all the keywords you want on your page.


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