First, for someone to be that dumb as to create a wrapper then SELL it, you''ve just got to be a newbie. Okay, so if a newbie made the wrapper, beyond all doubt it''s going to be slow. So not only are you paying for a free good, but it also doesn''t run well?! Hey, let''s go get it! Sounds like a great deal!
eckiller, go write some business apps or somethin... we dont take kindly to your kind round these neck of the woods.
actually, a directx wrapper could be sold if it did a lot more than just encapsulating all of DirectX. you need to add features that directx does not have. the types of features that are usefull for making games. i''d bet that you have a lot of bugs and memory leaks in even the small code that you have. if not, you probably haven''t put in any usefull features. list out all the features you have on this message board, and i or someone else will tell you if your wrapper is worth a damn.
actually, a directx wrapper could be sold if it did a lot more than just encapsulating all of DirectX. you need to add features that directx does not have. the types of features that are usefull for making games. i''d bet that you have a lot of bugs and memory leaks in even the small code that you have. if not, you probably haven''t put in any usefull features. list out all the features you have on this message board, and i or someone else will tell you if your wrapper is worth a damn.
Carl "trixter"[email=carl@trixoft.com]carl@trixoft.com[/email]http://www.trixoft.com
Don''t be a fool.
GPDUMB DirectX Graphics Library from WGPFD - http://www.xgames3d.com/games/gpdumblib.zip
CDX - http://www.cdx.sk/
DXMgr - http://www.research.microsoft.com/graphics/directxlib/
Check out the resource section for a bunch of 3D/2D game engines.
GPDUMB DirectX Graphics Library from WGPFD - http://www.xgames3d.com/games/gpdumblib.zip
CDX - http://www.cdx.sk/
DXMgr - http://www.research.microsoft.com/graphics/directxlib/
Check out the resource section for a bunch of 3D/2D game engines.
People usually aren''t that stupid. I''m a newbie, and even as a newbie, I don''t like using other peoples code. I''m sure a lot of people feel the same way. So don''t even try to get ME to buy your dx wrapper!
I receive all input negative and bad. From these posts most have been bad. I will take in suggestions, and perhaps try a differant marketing strategy. One point I''d like to make is, I''m not ripping people off. I put in a lot of time to make this ''wrapper'' as you call it. People who don''t know DirectX can use and its a fair price for the time i put into it. I will agree there are free ''wrappers'' out there, although i can say mine is twice as good as lamothe''s DUMB engine i haven''t tried out the others. Anyways just because i don''t want to give mine away for free you attack me. I for one am tired of giving free source code away etc. I put that web site up in about 20 minutes to start advertising my engine and i know it didn''t give a lot of info about it. I am getting a good pitch together now. I''m sorry if selling a product i made is wrong. For one example I just think doing this:
is pretty cool and easy to draw something in directX. The implementation of the functions takes care of directX. The coordinates and frames are all taken care of too. If you can call a method you can make your own game with my ''wrapper''.
is pretty cool and easy to draw something in directX. The implementation of the functions takes care of directX. The coordinates and frames are all taken care of too. If you can call a method you can make your own game with my ''wrapper''.
ECKILLER, selling something you wrote isn''t wrong. The simple matter is that you don''t seem to be given value added over other wrappers like clanlib or CDX. Maybe if you update your webpage with more selling points on how this is a real value people wouldn''t be so skeptical.
My only real objection to this post was that it wasn''t in the Your Announcements forum.
My only real objection to this post was that it wasn''t in the Your Announcements forum.
There is nothing wrong with selling a product. If you didn''t notice, it''s not the fact that it costs money which is upsetting people. It''s the fact that your misleading people. First off, you were calling it an engine. An engine is a _lot_ more than a sprite class and a DirectX wrapper. Second, your only willing to give out information after the person has bought the product. What possible reason could there be for that? If your so confident in your product then you should at least give a list of features and put together a sample program showing off its capabilities.
I don't think you are ripping anyone off. You have a right to sell something you made, and it will sell if it allows non-windows programmers like DOS programmers be able to quickly jump into Windows programming without learning the API. THe problem is, you don't have any screen shots, or examples of code written using these library functions. $20 is no bad, if you are a developer trying to quickly but together a descent game, but noone is going to buy anything on blind faith. Add some pictures of it man. Allow people to see what they are getting into and add a demo for download.
You're definately not ripping anyone off, unless the reason you are not showing any pictures is the engine really sucks.
Edited by - Domini on 2/13/00 2:55:41 PM
You're definately not ripping anyone off, unless the reason you are not showing any pictures is the engine really sucks.
Edited by - Domini on 2/13/00 2:55:41 PM
Domini Miracle Man Studios
Last 3 posts advice taken. I''m sorry for being misleading. When i put i will send some samples i didn''t mean it in the way you took it. They wern''t meant to show it off but give samples of how to use the engine. I updated my site giving some more info. I would add screen shots of demos i''ve made but pics are more of an artistic thing. Take a look at the site now and tell me what else you guys want to know about it. Actually it turns out that this negative feedback is a good experience for me and i''m ctually glad you took the time to tell me how you feel.
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