Want to make your own games but don''t have the skills nor the time to develop a real time 2D graphic/input/sound engine??? Look no further but
Here you will find the answers you seek. Be safe.
Now thats just funny. Your only going to give a demonstration of your so called ''engine'' after they pay for it. Sure buddy.
You must be the first one to charge money for a DirectX wrapper. My god. DirectX is free.
You must be the first one to charge money for a DirectX wrapper. My god. DirectX is free.
wow, that is such a good idea
(If you did not know, I am being sarcastic)
(If you did not know, I am being sarcastic)
is there a limit 1 per customer? i hope not cause i''d like to get 2 of those for dubbing.
kids these dayz...
kids these dayz...
Carl "trixter"[email=carl@trixoft.com]carl@trixoft.com[/email]http://www.trixoft.com
What the Hell????????????
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
The madness of greed - trying to rip poor people who
might not know much about game development off
for a simple dx wrapper.
Makes me mad
The madness of greed - trying to rip poor people who
might not know much about game development off
for a simple dx wrapper.
Makes me mad
Nobody listen to them. This engine encapsulates all of DirectX. You don''t need to know directX at all. All you need to know is how to instatiate a class and call a method. Thats it.
You must think people are suckers. There are plenty of DirectX wrappers out there which are FREE and probably better than yours (CDX, for example). Do you really expect people to buy your engine if you dont even show them its capabilities?! You could at least give a list of features! And if your "engine" is so great then why do you require people to blindly buy it? You should AT LEAST make some freely available samples of the engine.
Besides that, you obviousely dont even understand the concept of a game engine. DirectX Wrapper != Game engine.
If I were you I would make a public apology and change your marketing strategy.
Besides that, you obviousely dont even understand the concept of a game engine. DirectX Wrapper != Game engine.
If I were you I would make a public apology and change your marketing strategy.
February 13, 2000 12:22 PM
i don''t know alot about game programming but i do know when someone is trying rip me off
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