
[java] Components background images

Started by February 12, 2000 08:32 AM
2 comments, last by Arch@on 24 years, 7 months ago
I was just asking if there is any possibilities to set background image for a component, like if my game has action message box, i need to set neat matrix-panel-image behind it so that it looks cooler. Component must not have borders if you are talking about transparency of a component. I''m just asking this theoretically (what methods you use and if there is anyexamples what i should note...), because I have been very far away from images about 3 weeks, due some sort of programming flaw or then fault is just in my compieler...
Well I''d like to throw another question right away, us there any way to kick that stupid flickering / thing out of my text box when it''s uneditable, also I have been wondering about setting my own scroll bar, Is there anyway to do it? I mean with different look?
I''ve been learning JBuilder, and for each component that you can see in the property editor, there''s a border option (that I haven''t been able to figure out how to use, yet ).

Borland is now offering JBuilder Foundations for free, albeit a limited version. I can understand all the code that Builder automatically puts in for you, so I think the JBuilder series is pretty easy to use. Check it out.
I would just paint my BG image first. Then anything else that gets painted goes over that.

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