

Started by February 08, 2002 07:06 PM
0 comments, last by algumacoisaqualquer 22 years, 10 months ago
hum... what does hdc means? I''ve seen it generally related to bitmaps, generally with stuff like pixel or bitmaps manipulation, something like that, I have even used it somewere, from an nternet source code. I believe that this is a somewhat important thing when dealing with graphics, so can anybody give me some clue or something (just to get an idea, I''m not looking for detailed explanations, I''m more curious then needing to know right now)? Thanks!
HDC means Handle to a Device Context. In relation to Win32 programming (in simple terms), this is a variable that acts sort of like a pointer to a device, such as a monitor. Perhaps someone will offer an in-depth post on this, but for now, just know that you''ll need an HDC if you''re doing graphics programming in Windows, and it''ll be very visible if you''re using the GDI.


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