
What is an RTS?

Started by February 08, 2002 11:05 AM
14 comments, last by peter86 22 years, 9 months ago
Dune 2 came before Dune 1?

"I''ve learned something today: It doesn''t matter if you''re white, or if you''re black...the only color that REALLY matters is green"
-Peter Griffin
"I've learned something today: It doesn't matter if you're white, or if you're black...the only color that really matters is green"-Peter Griffin
However Dune 1 was not an RTS game, Dune 2 was the first to remove the turn-based combat and economic management and make it happen in real time. Of course only being able to select one unit at a time then having to click the move/attack/stop button, THEN having to click a spot on the screen was hardly realtime. Though the tire tracks in the sand was really cool, I haven''t seen any other RTS (including C&C) do it since.
Well the only Dune I''ve ever played is 2000 (it wasn''t that great) so sorry
I''ve played several RTS''s that put tire tracks...(none of them are any good, cheap little $5 games I found at Electronic Boutique)

"I''ve learned something today: It doesn''t matter if you''re white, or if you''re black...the only color that REALLY matters is green"
-Peter Griffin
"I've learned something today: It doesn't matter if you're white, or if you're black...the only color that really matters is green"-Peter Griffin
Dune 2000 is a bad Dune 2 remake in my opinion.
Dune 2 indeed is a great game, but you have to play it inside its context, that is, knowing its a game from 1995 or so, runs under DOS, you have a maximum limit of 25 units, etc, if you play it aware that we are in 2002, and now 2d is done in 3d and not the other way around anymore, you wont have much fun playing it

Dune 2 is prolly one of the RTS games I have played longest. The father of all RTS''s

- Captain_RB
I personally like Red Alert 2 (In my eyes, the first C&C games where both teams are perfectly even (Allied revolves more around stratigy with their Gap generators and their spy satilite, and Soviet revolves mainly around brute force). On top of that, it shows you where the enemy has their nuke/weather control device (and how long until it''s fully charged), so your not randomly bombed every 12 seconds)). Also, I LOVE Starcraft (The only RTS I''ve ever played where there are THREE races, and they''re COMPLETELY indepentdant from each other, in skills, strengths, weaknesses, powers, strategies, and even just the way that the THREE teams build are ALL indepentdant from each other. On top of that, all three races are good (unlike most RTS''s where either both teams are exactly the same, with the exception of pictures/sounds (Warcraft 1 & 2), or one team has an obvious advantage over the other (Red Alert 1))

"I''ve learned something today: It doesn''t matter if you''re white, or if you''re black...the only color that REALLY matters is green"
-Peter Griffin
"I've learned something today: It doesn't matter if you're white, or if you're black...the only color that really matters is green"-Peter Griffin

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