
Simple use of DX, OGL, etc...

Started by February 11, 2000 08:45 AM
4 comments, last by Agent1 25 years, 1 month ago
I was wondering which engine you think would be best for me to learn. I am looking to do simple animation(s) inside of a window. They may, at some time, end up being 3D. With the experience you have, which would be best for someone like me who is just learning the basics of C/C++? -Agent1
I believe it is easier to get started with OpenGL, since it utilizes a state machine with clean C functions.

However I also believe that DirectX advances a lot faster in terms of supported features.

Personally I use DirectX when program the applications that I wan''t to make fast and optimize, but OpenGL for programs when I just want to try out something new, like NURBS.
Actually, if you''re starting in 2d, the I would recommend starting with DirectX. The 2d API in GL can be a little strange if you haven''t tried the 3d GL API first.

On the flip side, if you plan to go to 3d really soon, GL would get my vote.
My vote of 2D API is actually Windows GDI and neither DirectX or OpenGL. But that''s just me. =)
Given the choice I would go with DirectX.

Breakaway Games

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

For me:

Easiest API to Initialize: Glide

Easiest to program: depends on what you want. If you want to take care of all the transformations and management, then is glide. If you dont want that and want the api to take care of it, then OpenGL is the easiest.

Most Powerfull: Direct3D, because its support for new technology is faster.

Portability: At this time OpenGL is the only real portable solution. (altough Glide can run in Linux).
Ricardo SantosDraxson Enterprises

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