Loading bitmaps...
Umm... anyone know of a pretty simple and easy to understand tutorial on doing this? The samples that came with Visual C++ ain't really that easy to understand what they're doing since I'm quite new to this.
So, far I've known how to get a HBITMAP from the LoadImage function and converting it to a BITMAP object. How do I refer to the actual bits of the image from there? I noticed there's a GetDIBits() function to be called and it'll dump the data into an array. However, it requires a LPBITMAPINFO.
Is there an easy way to get the BITMAPINFO object with either the HBITMAP or BITMAP? Or must I read the file manually and create it myself?
The reason I need the actual bits of the image is that I'm using OpenGL and their textures requires a pointer to the image bits. Up until now I've been using auxDIBImageLoad to load the bitmaps, but it's a bit limiting in that there's no support for palletes...
Edited by - Someone on 2/11/00 4:17:58 AM
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