
Are you man enough to answer

Started by February 10, 2000 12:02 PM
4 comments, last by Goodlife 25 years, 1 month ago
Heh-heh. So many people haven''t been answering my posts that I thought I''d try a new tack on the subject line. At least it wasn''t "Wild fetish necking videos," which, incidentally, came up for me on a yahoo search for "+D3D +gamma +correction +colors." Okay, here''s the situation, and I''ll tell it in rhyme to make it more interesting: Behold in my game, a character dies, There at the skeleton''s feet he lies. Such colors will hinder the despair I convey... But how can I fade all my colors to gray? I was working with palettes, a well minded fool, When behold, I linked in a Microsoft tool, Which demanded that I use hi-color or more, Gone are fading palettes, by which I set store. Now, I''ve heard some folks say that you can do some sort of gamma-adjusting nonsense that modifies all the colors in hi-color mode before displaying them. Since my game is hardware-acceleration only, I thought I could take advantage of this. I looked into the Microsoft SDK for hints. Um, let me just compose a quick edda for those fellows who wrote the SDK documentation: Why! Why! Why! We gnash our teeth, we pull our hair! We wander the wasteland in blind despair, Why! Why Why! May the dogs that birthed you bite you! May the goddess of wisdom smite you! May the wolves round your craven hearts howl! For our trials, our troubles, delight you! May you rot in the devil''s bowel! That seems appropriate. Anyway, the SDK didn''t have as much help as I would have liked to have found in it-- it contained, though, this mouth-watering statement: "In hi-color mode, with proper hardware acceleration, it is now possible to adjust the hue, saturation, and lightness of the display." So, has anyone ever played around with gamma controls? I cannot find even the smallest hint on how to activate it. Thanks in advance! --Goodlife P.S. Sorry, been up 23 hours at this point!
-- Goodlife-----------------------------Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.--DirectX design team official motto
Can't help you out, but wanted to let you know: Man, this post just made my day.

Nevermind, the guy the next cube over said try updating the DDCOLORCONTROL structure for your primary surface.

Edited by - SiCrane on 2/10/00 12:14:34 PM
Well, you probably don''t want to do this, (speed, lots''o new code), but theoretically I think you could process each pixel like this: figure out the brightness of the pixel (R+G+B)/3. this is the value you want to put in each of the components of the pixel when the screen has totally faded to "grayscale". So now approach each component of the value by a step (~256/number of frames to reach "grayscale" so you''re sure every component will reach the final color) if the component is bigger that the value subtract the step, if it''s smaller add it.
repeat for the number of frames referred.

Well that''s my 2€
Hey, that poem is great stuff!

Several weeks ago I remember a thread here at gamedev about the same topic: gamma manipulation. Someone said that there is now a Gamma[something] object in DX7??, and then they gave pointers on how to use it. So, you might want to search the forums here at gamedev for that, and I''m even willing to bet you won''t get those strange web page hits, either
Hey the rhymes was cool! I think everyone should use rhymes when they post!

That post was pretty cool :-)

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