I take it you aren''t the type of guy to try to do something new or different? I am not trying to make a fully formed 3d engine with all of the bells and whistles... Just trying to get it to work (displaying and rotating objects correctly), and also becuase I enjoy trying to figure things out and see if they can be done in a different way. The problems you bring up I can think of addressing in several different ways off the top of my head but I''m not trying to prove anything here I just was wondering if anyone had done it before. ^_^
War doesn''t determine who is right, war determines who is left.
Different way to do 3d rotations?
Actually, I am the kind of guy to try something new and different. I just do enough reading to know that what you''re doing isn''t really new, and I''m just letting you know what pitfalls await you. Using spherical for rotations *has* been done before. It''s just no one has made a full-scale 3d engine out if it, because of the issues I''ve mentioned. I''m not trying to stifle you or anything, as I said, don''t take my word for it, think things through for yourself.
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