
Constructor / Destructor order

Started by February 09, 2000 01:55 PM
2 comments, last by KaneTHP 25 years, 1 month ago
I was wondering if the order destructors are called is always the opposite of the order the constructors are called.. In other words if I had types TypeA, TypeB, and TypeC and said TypeA A; TypeB B; TypeC C; would the destructors always be called in C, B, A order? is this a standard or just something that my compiler just seems to do (I''ve tested it and it seems to do this every time - but I just wanna be sure) Maybe I should just RTFM .. I know..
Yup your absolutly right in C++ destructors are called in the reverse order that the constructers were called every time. Its a standard.

Edited by - UraniumRod on 2/9/00 2:10:20 PM
------------------------------"My sword is like a menacing cloud, but instead of rain, blood will pour in its path." - Sehabeddin, Turkish Military Commander 1438.
From what I understand about the standard (been a while since I have looked it over, so take this with a grain of salt) this is true when objects are created on the stack or contained within a class. However I don''t think this behavior is defined for objects that are in global scope.

For example:

function scope with objects created on the stack
Type A;
Type B;
Type C;

constructors are called in this order Type::A(), Type::B(), Type::C()
destructors are called in this order Type::C(), Type::B(), Type::A()

Class scope with objects created inside a class
class foo
Type A;
Type B;
Type C;

constructors are called in this order Type::A(), Type::B(), Type::C()
destructors are called in this order Type::C(), Type::B(), Type::A()

Global scope with objects created on the heap
Type A;
Type B;
Type C;


constructors are called in an order that is compiler dependant.
destructors are called in the opposite order the contructors were called.

I do think that most compilers will destroy global objects in the order they created them, but I don''t think they will be created in any paticular order that you can depend on.

I hope this helps.
I''ll second that, destructors are called in the opposite order that the constructors were called in.

Thus, to clarify

ObA A_Instance;
ObB B_instance;
ObC C_Instance;

// given those statements, the destructors would be called
in this order:

C_Instance''s destructor
B_Instance''s destructor
A_Instance''s destructor

Definately straight.

Take it easy,


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