
dx fullscreen

Started by February 08, 2000 08:07 PM
1 comment, last by LeeIsMe 25 years, 1 month ago
I am using the directx context to do all my work. It works properly in windowed mode. When I set it to fullscreen mode it does not clear right. I set the clear color, and updated the screen, but when I showed the screen there was junk on it. Any help?
Make sure you are clearing the backbuffer and calling lpdd->Flip(...)
I'm using the DXContext, so I just call its clear and flip functions.

What's funny is that I copied and pasted the source out of one of my old applications that worked properly, but now the code doesn't work.

Edited by - LeeIsMe on 2/9/00 7:50:34 PM

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