
HTML - Forms help

Started by February 08, 2000 05:49 PM
5 comments, last by ao 25 years, 1 month ago
I have an html book that says I can take the VALUE tag from a hidden input within a form and transfer that VALUE to another hidden input within a different form. The problem is it just tells me I can do it, but not how to do it. Any ideas?
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Did he say from what language or from anything like that? He''s probably referring to CGI (common gateway interface)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Here is exactly what the book says:

"Hidden elements

At first glance, creating hidden elements in a form seems counter productive. How can the user enter information if they can't see where to put it? Actually, they can't. However, hidden elements can be used by you to store information gathered from an earlier form so that it can be combined with the present form's data.

For example, if you ask for a user's name in an earlier form, you can save it in a variable and then add it to a new form as a hidden element so that the name is related to the new information gathered without having to bother the user to enter the name several times."

and thats it, thats all they tell me. It's in the Forms chapter of the book, so I don't know.

When the book says hidden elements can be used to store information I assume they mean in the VALUE tag. When the book says I can add that stored info to a new form I assume I have to look at the VALUE tag from the hidden element in the old form.

Maybe I'm not understanding what the book is saying...

Edited by - ao on 2/8/00 6:20:39 PM
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I can''t be able to help you much, but what I can tell you is that to do that sort of thing, you''ll need to use a little but of CGI or java-script.
A good place to find both is , maybe you''ll find what you''re looking for there, but I''ve never really needed to use that sort of thing in any of my websites.
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
ok, well, thanks for trying.

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The information from the form is going to get passed to some kind of script, which could be CGI, java-script, ASP, PHP, or whatever. The method of passing that value along will depend upon the scripting language you use. It''s something we use all over the place here in our ASP scripts, but if you aren''t using ASP, I can''t help you.
look here for info on a java-script hidden tag - you will need to create a free account though

basically in the form do something like this (example from book) - replace brackets with greaterthan lessthan
[input type=hidden name=hideme value="hi there!"]

Edited by - Blag on 2/9/00 9:59:19 AM

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