
why dose the vieo game industry suck? PART 2

Started by January 29, 2002 03:22 PM
17 comments, last by Metal Head 22 years, 11 months ago
quote: Original post by varelse
Heres a little industry secret:
Game developers are the biggest pirates of them all.

They steal ideas, algorithms, plot lines, music, art, catch phrases…

Aw heck, the problem is far worse than that: if Sophocles were alive today, he''d SUE I tell you! He''d SUE!

Right after he desperately clawed his way out of his grave of course…

Umm, if Sophocles were alive, he wouldn''t have to climb out of a grave….

''I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks…'' - TOOL

"With my feet upon the ground I lose myself between the sounds and open wide to suck it in, I feel it move across my skin. I'm reaching up and reaching out. I'm reaching for the random or what ever will bewilder me, what ever will bewilder me. And following our will and wind we may just go where no one's been. We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been." - Maynard James Keenan Name: []TheBlackJester[/email]Team: Wildfire Games
Projects O A.D.The Last Alliance

And also, please close this sensless post...

''I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks...'' - TOOL

"With my feet upon the ground I lose myself between the sounds and open wide to suck it in, I feel it move across my skin. I'm reaching up and reaching out. I'm reaching for the random or what ever will bewilder me, what ever will bewilder me. And following our will and wind we may just go where no one's been. We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been." - Maynard James Keenan Name: []TheBlackJester[/email]Team: Wildfire Games
Projects O A.D.The Last Alliance

quote: Original post by Metal Head
(people in the industry hoe make games)

We make games with farm implements? Darn, I''ve been doing it wrong all along.

They''re coming for you!
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Heres a little industry secret:
Game developers are the biggest pirates of them all.

They steal ideas, algorithms, plot lines, music, art, catch phrases...

Name some memorable game characters:
Duke Nukem = Ash from Evil Dead
Mario\Luigi = An almost offensive italian stereotype.
J.C Denton = An obvious ripoff of Neo from the matrix (who was most likley ripped off of a gibson novel)
Every Final Fantasy Character: Their names and appearance have changed to protect the innocent, but the same "character" of the person keeps appearing in every game.

Ever wondered why every game pitch you hear starts off with: "Well its like X, but with Y''s twist, and Z''s graphics, and A''s plot!"

Not only do game developers pirate games, they go an extra step and slap their name on it and try to make a buck off it.

Remember the whole deal with hasbro? Appearently according to gamedev, the game industry cant survive without the right to blatent ripoffs!

I bet this "industry secret" is from someone outside the industry, who obviously believes the game industry is different and operates with its own legislation, disconnected from the rest of society.

We steal ideas? Well, that''s just horrible isn''t it? You know, most "ideas" (not sure what you mean by that really - concepts?) are kinda hard to copyright you see.

Algorithms? Hm, code is either: (1) proprietary secret technology, (2) available for licensing or (3) free. Besides, as Silvermyst pointed out, to develop one must utilize research and results achieved by others. Do you think we should reinvent the wheel for every car we wish to make?

Plot lines? Imagine copyrighted plot lines...

Music? No we don''t.

Art? Again, no we don''t.

Catch phrases? What?

"Well its like X, but with Y''s twist, and Z''s graphics, and A''s plot!"
Harsh statement but ok, I see your point. Anyway, how do you come up with fresh material? Most people are inspired by the work of others and its usually the best way to express it in terms of previous work before people can see it for themselves, in order to make them understand what its about.

"Not only do game developers pirate games, they go an extra step and slap their name on it and try to make a buck off it."

Holy crap! People work for years on their games - spending sweat, time and money - and just because some titles have similarites you blatantly accuse developers of just pirating, adding an extra touch and slap their name on it!
You could not be farther from the truth my friend.

As for METAL HEAD: yes your head must be made of metal.

I think threads starting out like that should be closed -
they don''t add anything to make gamedev a better place.

quote: Original post by Metal Head
nice try but you''re not going to make me stoop down to your level.

would that be the level where you get some cheap/free software, start learning and actually start doing your own games?

Edited by - hpox on January 29, 2002 8:45:54 PM
Someone close this. I want to see if there''s a part 3.

I wanna'' ride on the pope mobile.
The grafics in the crap Chuckie Egg game are suck! Do u programmers think people will pay for that @#%!#$^!
Yor so stupid. The nme AI is like from the 80''s!!! I''m not paying for it! I will play it some more all day. Die!
quote: Try to listen to what game players want.

Although I am usually against "capitalism as democracy", computer owners, and especially computer gamers, tend to have disposable income. They vote with their wallets. If they didn''t want clones, they wouldn''t buy them by the bucketload.

Besides, why should developers listen? It''s up to them what they develop, not the customer.

quote: Why do some of you think that anyone can program, afford expensive hardware & software, make their own company, get a job at a game company and can afford to get into one of those expensive and difficult to get in schools (where ever they may be) for the game industry? Ones again more ignorance.

How is this at all relevant?

Again, make a point, or shut up. This is a forum for discussing game design, not a soapbox for your ranting. Your right to free speech (a) isn''t an international right, and (b) does not compel the organization of your choice (in this case, to publuish your speech.

If you have anything constructive to say, then start a new thread with a post containing some real content.

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