
Advanced MUD

Started by February 08, 2000 05:33 PM
2 comments, last by Talonkarde 25 years, 1 month ago
I know a quite a bit about computers in general and about coding in a few languages, but nothing really advanced. Here''s my question: I want to code a MUD-type game (All text, think AD&D) and I have a server to support the game, but as far as coding goes, I don''t know which language to turn to. Basically, I want create the game and allow multiple users to access it and interact with the game and other players through use of a semi-graphical front-end. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I should start things going? Thanks in advance, Talonkarde
I would suggest start writing a chat server and client.
Then add multiple rooms.
Then a simple parser to change rooms from the chat line.

You can''t go wrong with C++ and Winsock. But choice of language, IMO, is a matter of taste more than anything else.
Use either C or C++. Full versions of source exist out on the web. Go to The Mud and search for source. Using a source will give you and idea as to the task you are talking about. I would suggest starting from one of these sources and after a year or so of keeping it running and enhancements, figure if you want to get into making your own. The text based mud market is interesting in that it makes very little money(almost none), but yet is extremely competitive. If you try to do it from the ground up you are getting into coding the wheel again in an industry where the wheel has been coded many many many times over. I have programmed many MUDs over the past ten years. The task of building one from scratch was too large for a project that wouldn''t make money, hence my MMRPG business plan. If you think about money, you have to go graphical and compete with Everquest... All I can really say without rambling further is go get source and put up your own server. Smaug 1.4 runs on windowsNT and can be found at This link

ps send me email if you need help.
Mail me!
Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
I suggest writing the client in Java since it is runs on theoretically every computer, without any changes to the code.

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