
forest war

Started by February 08, 2000 05:24 PM
-1 comments, last by Osmo Suvisaari 25 years, 1 month ago
I am creating a game about infantry warfare (WWII Finland vs Soviet Union). Focus will be squad, platoon and maybe company level action. I have already a core for my game AI for invidual soldiers. The core calls for different type of sub-ai atoms that make decisions of their own speciality. Atoms communicate and respond in simple ways. (increase / decrease activity etc.) These ''atoms'' include every basic output (action) of soldier, and simple pattern recognition. I will have separate atoms for emotional and higher intelligence. My idea is to let them communicate with game world only through the low-level ai-atoms. I hope this will make the difficult task of creating human-like behavior and invidual differences easier. I will let you know about my progress. Thank you for any suggestions, comments and ideas. -Osmo Suvisaari

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