
Direct X Book

Started by February 07, 2000 06:41 PM
4 comments, last by NiBLiTz 25 years, 1 month ago
Which book should i get to help me with DirectX (7/8/in ghenral..) Just so i know how to program for DirectX, and so i have a hard copy to read instead of off the net. Also knowing this i should understand the Directx SDK documentation better so i can learn with each version. NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed
NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed
If your pretty comfortable with windows programming, and C++ in general my suggestion is to go through the examples that come with the directx sdk and modify them and then (or concurrently) read DirectX Complete by Root & Boer. Even Lamothe''s new book was a big help learning the ddraw stuff. Good luck. =)
I agree. The tutorials in the documentation are excellent to get you up and running. LaMothe''s book (Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus) is full of advice, useful tips and detailed examples that you can''t find in the SDK docs. Not to mention all the info on basic physics,AI, and more.
Get ''Teach yourself DirectX7 in 24 hours'' It rulez and even touches a bit of D3D.
Be careful with Teach yourself books, they can get you up and running, but may not necessarily give you all the info you may need (I know, I have a couple), otherwise, though, they r good for getting started, then maybe move onto the docs for the most detail.

Dare To Think Outside The Box
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Thanks, i''ll look into these. i think i might need to learn some more windows though... DAMN!

NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed
NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed

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