
Is C++ Rocket Science?

Started by February 06, 2000 06:17 PM
21 comments, last by Fredric 24 years, 7 months ago
I''ve been posting here a few times, asking various questions concerning issues I had with learning C++... frankly, I find it not too be all that difficult! However, a *lot* of people have been saying that C++ is too difficult for a 14 year old kid like me! They think my brain is not developed enough yet or something weird like that... so, I''ve turned to all of you; game programming gurus: Is Game Programming with C++ Rocket Science for a guy like me? I personally don''t think so...
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Rocket science? BAH, I have been learning it since I was 12 (that was 5 years ago). Most anyone can learn it, there is even that story of a 4 year old that is making some vetran programmers look like idiots. So I wouldn''t say there is any age group, just a mindset that is ready to learn it is all that is required in my opinion.

Its definetely not rocket sience. I started when I was your age (14) and it went quite smooth. However, I was using C, not C++, but stepping up to C++ from C is no biggie. If you know a programming language, basic or such like, learning the basics in C/C++ shouldnt take more than a 1-2 weeks (I was developing applications in C after only a few days from i started learning it ).
It''s not rocket science, we just like saying it is to other people so we seem cool. HEHEHE, actually anyone can learn it, but it takes dedication, time and patience to become really good at it.

Dont beleive what they say, make your own opinion.


Luis Sempe

Not rocket science at all! I''m only 12, and I''m doing C++ and alll areas of DirectX
I don''t think saying C++ is like rocket science makes us seem cool... not at all.

I agree with everyone that''s it''s not difficult to learn, though. I''ve been programming since I was 8 (started in BASIC and Pascal)... then I lost interest for several years and started doing some not so productive things.... but anyway, I just started learning C/C++ last year and it''s not hard. I''m 15 now and 14 isn''t too young. Don''t worry what other people think. Everyone has an opinion. And you know what? Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has them and they all stink.

Alexbigshot@austin.rr.comFoolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.
wha? do you mean this metaphorically?

yes yes dammit! c-- is rocket science i tell you! i try learning it for 5 year now and i no learnt nothing.
Carl "trixter"[][/email]
Learning C++ (or any computer language for that matter) is not rocket science, however, learning to make a well structured, coherent, and intelligent software design and implementing can be very, very difficult. In fact some of the smartest people I know have trouble with it.
Ok, first I''m not gonna say "C++ is not rocket-science" in this post since you all did before me.

I''m using VB (mostly DX7) and I''m reading some books about C++ now to learn it, and I have to say it''s not really hard, but if you''ve never programmed before or, like me, used VB there are some difficulties since it''s got a much more complex syntax. ASM on the other hand seems like rocket-science to me

Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
Of cause learning C++ isn't rocket science, but maybe actually puting it to good use is. C++ is just a tool that us the software "engineer" uses,. It's like the carpenter who uses a saw to cut wood.It is just his tool. Just as a programming language is our tool. The carpenter wouldnt be able to cut wood without a saw, and us programmers wouldn't be able to make programs without a programming language.


Edited by - bully on 2/7/00 5:07:24 AM

Edited by - Bully on 2/7/00 5:25:54 AM
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