Original post by Anonymous Poster
This kind of system can lead to vote selling or voting circles if it''s not policed. You can limit people''s ability to repeatedly bless or curse the same player, but how do you keep players from swapping cash or equipment for blessings?
I don''t care if people buy or sell their vote. The point isn''t to make people into angels, it''s to prevent them from being jerks overall. If someone gives you stuff, you have every right to bless them... of course, they can''t really force you. The idea is that if you''re a jerk to ten people, being nice to the eleventh won''t make up for it. The ten people have no reason not to curse you... and while of the ten, one will most likely have the ability to curse this session, you can''t count on the eleventh having the ability to bless.
Blessings and curses, as explained in more detail on my page (which you really ought to visit, it''s full of good stuff), only become available during random sessions and are only available for the duration of the session. They''re not things to be stored up, but to be used on the spur of the moment... and unless someone tells you so, you can''t tell who has bless/curse points to spend. And of course, they could be lying. So making an effort to "buy" a blessing would most likely be fruitless; but if it does work, its effect on the overall system will still be minimal.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
...The more notorious, the better the bounty will be. This allows the PK problem to be taken care of in-game and maybe even with a bit of role-playing.
This idea is a slight modification of one I''ve been pushing (again, see my page or previous threads). I don''t think anyone should be invulnerable simply because they don''t want to be killed. On the other hand, people shouldn''t be severely penalized for being PKed; they should respawn, and only their carried cash should be stealable (to avoid valuable item loss). Furthermore, PKing is murder. It can be witnessed, it can be reported, and bounties can be set. Murderers should have to be subtle and hide from the public eye, just as in real life. Of course this is just one possible solution... but I like it.
Original post by Rube
I think there is a barrier for players to break in terms of perception. If someone can play 30 hours a day, then he or she deserves more power through xp and gaming.
Pardon my french, but the Hell they should! If people only play your game to get powerful enough to get to the point where the game is enjoyable and interesting instead of frustrating and repetitive, then it''s a game you won''t catch me playing. Godlike characters interacting with newbies cause the vast majority of the problems in MMORPGs, especially since the socioeconomics of the games are modeled on real life systems, which rely on the non-existence of Superman. Do you know anybody a thousand times as strong as you?
The barrier to break is in the opposite direction, as you yourself go on to say:
What I do see, however, is a lot of players who like to be on a MMORPG, but still expect the game to play like a single player where they are the focus of the game. That''s a tough issue to break. Not everyone can be the best fighter, the best mage, or the prime hero. That''s the problem with most games now.
In the single player model, where the player is the most important person in the game, it''s only fair for him to attain incredible powers. In a multiplayer model, everyone should be equally important, and thus have equivalent (but not necessarily identical) power. This is the barrier to break: the experience and advancement paradigm of the single player game, which DOES NOT WORK in a multiplayer game!
... Sorry, I lost my cool. I''ve been hammering on this point for a while, but I suppose the only sure way to make my point is to get off my butt and make the game. Which I will do, just as soon as I get around to it.
All opinions expressed are opinions, and all losses of cool were unintentional.
SpittingTrashcanYou can''t have "civilization" without "civil".