
Monkey Island anyone?

Started by February 06, 2000 11:15 AM
11 comments, last by Staffan 25 years ago
An idea popped up right out of nowhere a few days ago while looking on all the titles in my local game store. Seeing a bunch of strategy games and 3D shooter i finally lay my eyes on ''The Curse of Monkey Island'', so I took down the box and looked at the back of it while i was thinking back about the times when me and my buds were playing Monkey Island 2... This is a great game I instantly thought, and there are no other games like it today im sure. Sure it might seem boring at first, but its not. The nostalgy, the humor, everything! Its just totally awesome. How come no one makes (well, not many) these kinds of games today? Maybe this could be the right project for me...god knows. What do you all think? Does it sound like an good idea? Of course, getting a story writer good enough would be friggin hard. However, I ended up buying a RTS game (gotta love them). Staffan Sheesh...I think this is my longest post ever
Well i think that the monkey island is one of the best (it is the best) adventure games ever made.
And i would like the idea to make a new game like that would be great..

BTW. Lucasarts are making the Monkey Island 4 now.. =)
excellent; i love monkey island...apparently it will be with an enhanced version of the engine for Grim Fandango...another great game!

btw, i'd be VERY interested in writing games of this sort, or even better, writing something like SCRAMM, only free (open source) and with cross-platform capabilities. anyone else interested?


Edited by - guybrush on 2/12/00 10:45:50 AM
----------------------------------------Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!
Hi I had the same idea a little time ago !
And so I started. First I needed a story and I finally came up with a good one. And then I started programming and I just have to admit : It''s not that easy as one (I ;-) might think !

just my thoughts ...
Finally someone answeared to my post, yay! Thought it was dead already . Anyways, I have to admit I was thinking "heck, that couldn''t be so hard to program"...but im sure crent is right, actually, I don''t even know where I should start out, oh was a nice idea. Some day in the distant future perhaps *sigh*

-- Staffan

BTW, Is the thread looking kinda screwed up to you too? Or is it just my computer.. (IE)
sorry all; it''s my fault the thread was messed up.

i forgot the closing " in my anchor tag to link to SCRAMM, and it somehow threw the thread off...who can i contact about this bug?

----------------------------------------Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!
Not much you can do about it I think, if im not wrong, it''s the HTML.

"btw, i''d be VERY interested in writing games of this sort, or even better, writing something like SCRAMM, only free (open source) and with cross-platform capabilities. anyone else interested?"

Well, I''m interested, duh
from "those who know" it''s apparently a lot harder than it initially might seem...perhaps something like sierra''s AGI or SCI interpreters would be easier, at least for an initial project. (early SCI, before the 256-colour/no keyboard days)

----------------------------------------Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!
Could anyone brief me on the hard parts? I just can't seem to figure it out myself
I'd be interested to hear what problems crent ran into...

-- Staffan

Edited by - Staffan on 2/14/00 3:41:06 PM
i imagine the most difficult parts would be the graphics programming; the object manipulation is pretty simple stuff. the hard part there would be the actual game design.

i think the old-school sierra games would be pretty easy though. maybe an AGI interpreter like FreeSCI would be fun.

Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!

Edited by - guybrush on 2/15/00 1:17:24 PM
----------------------------------------Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!

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