
A Tile engine/map editor demo......

Started by February 05, 2000 10:14 PM
37 comments, last by Darrell 24 years, 6 months ago
Hello all, I''m been working on a Tile Map Editor/Engine, and I''m at a point where I need some feedback on performance issues. Currently I''m doing isometric maps only. If you could check out my demo at: under dowloads. Any feedback would be great, thanks again. Darrell.
Looks pretty cool. I got the following fps:

windowed mode - 170fps
fullscreen - 80fps

It was strange to have to press the right mouse button to move the guy.

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Thanks for trying it out.
The right mouse button movement idea was taken from Ultima.

The left mouse button will be used for item selection, targeting etc. etc. Although I don''t see any reason why I can''t make it configurable.

Can I ask what hardware you ran it on?
On my system I get 40fps in windowed and 60 in fullscreen. I ''m running a PII233 64MB ram with only a 4MB ATI Rage+ video card.
thanks again.
My system:

PIII 600
128mb Ram

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Windowed mode:
I get 45 fps when standing still in the "town"
about the same when walking around
It goes ALOT faster when I''m walking outside the town (75fps)
Full-screen: About the same as above, one or two frames more.

My system: PII 266 Diamond Stealth 4 mb, 64 mb RAM, Win98b DirectX7.

note: the demo flickerd a bit when in windowed mode, not too bad though.

Good luck with further development! ))

Martin Björklund
Diemonex Games
PII 333, 64 RAM, Riva 128 4MB

10 fps (yes! ten!!) in windowed mode and 118-125 fps in fullscreen. Wonder if they have new drivers for my graphics card...
I don't think its the drivers, it must be something I'm doing. hmmm, what resolution are your running your desktop in?, maybe I'm copying from system to video memory for some of my blits. If your running in something huge like 1600x1200 then this is a possibility.
What colour depth are you running at, this might it as well.

Kinda wierd, I have a P166 here and even it gets 15 fps in windowed mode, with only a 2mb video card.

Thanks again everyone.

Edited by - Darrell on 2/6/00 2:33:14 PM
I got 120 fps on windowed mode and 58 at fullscreen.

There''s a bug with the map editor program. When I maximize the map window, the buttons doesn''t work and therefore the map will not scroll.
I got 200+ fps (it was running from 200 to 280, up to the background) in Window Mode... and 84 fps in Fullscreen Mode (because my refresh rate is 84 Hz)...

My system is Celeron 433, 128 MB, Matrox G400 16 MB... My desktop is set to 1024x768x16...

Good engine...
PIII 600, 512MB, GeForce 256
330-380 fps in window mode (the guy was just flying around)
74 pfs fullscreen (refresh rate)
good job though

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