
Need HTML snippet to make button and change color on mouse over

Started by January 18, 2002 09:18 AM
6 comments, last by Promit 23 years, 1 month ago
I don''t know any HTML and im trying to steal a few points of EC. i need the answer in about 2 hours(by noon EST), if possible. I originally did this in VB, which took less than a minute. I ned a button on the HTML document, and when the mouse moves over it, it needs to change color. When the mouse moves off, it needs to change back. I believe this is known as a "rollover" button. ----------------------------- The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
you do it with a java-script, or even in a flash animation. it requires you to make an image of the origional image, then recolor it to the color you want, if you want to do it in java-script. or if you want to imbed a flash movie into your document you can do it in flash. for that read up the tutorial on buttons in flash 5 if you have it.

sorry i dont know the java-script code offhenad
War is how Americans learn geography.
In the head put this

<style type="text/css">
td.over {background-color: #FF0000;}
td.clicked {background-color: #FFFFFF;}

for the buttons make them table cells and look at this

<td bgcolor="#00FF00" classover="over" classdown="clicked">

Edited by - garconbifteck on January 18, 2002 11:06:55 AM
OR you can do it with java-script as lugie says:

<table border="2" bordercolor="#C0C0C0" width="100%" height="100%" bgcolor="#3B3939" nonostyle="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse">

<td align=center width="15%" bgcolor="#3B3939" overonmouse=" = '#939393'; = 'hand'" onmouseout=" = '#3B3939'" whenclickedon="document.location.href = 'index2.asp?zone=news.htm'">


<td align=center width="14%" bgcolor="#3B3939" overonmouse=" = '#939393'; = 'hand'" onmouseout=" = '#3B3939'" whenclickedon="document.location.href = 'index2.asp?zone=reviews.htm'">


<td align=center width="14%" bgcolor="#3B3939" overonmouse=" = '#939393'; = 'hand'" onmouseout=" = '#3B3939'" whenclickedon="document.location.href = 'index2.asp?zone=previews.htm'">


<td align=center width="14%" bgcolor="#3B3939" overonmouse=" = '#939393'; = 'hand'" onmouseout=" = '#3B3939'" whenclickedon="document.location.href = 'index2.asp?zone=editorials.htm'">


<td align=center width="14%" bgcolor="#3B3939" overonmouse=" = '#939393'; = 'hand'" onmouseout=" = '#3B3939'" whenclickedon="document.location.href = 'index2.asp?zone=cheats.htm'">


<td align=center width="14%" bgcolor="#3B3939" overonmouse=" = '#939393'; = 'hand'" onmouseout=" = '#3B3939'" whenclickedon="document.location.href = 'index2.asp?zone=mailbag.htm'">


<td align=center width="15%" bgcolor="#3B3939" overonmouse=" = '#939393'; = 'hand'" onmouseout=" = '#3B3939'" whenclickedon="document.location.href = 'index2.asp?zone=chatbox.htm'">

chaT boX



(I just copy and pasted that from my new layout which is found here

Edited by - garconbifteck on January 18, 2002 11:09:53 AM
Could i please jsut have something i can copy-paste directly into notepad and save?

I only have half an hour left...

The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
no, you cant, because we dont know what you''re trying to make, the image names, and all of that... even if i did know i wouldnt make it for you.
War is how Americans learn geography.
Original post by Promit
Could i please jsut have something i can copy-paste directly into notepad and save?

I only have half an hour left...

The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.

Looks to me like they did, except you''d have to change the names of items a bit if the question asked for some specific id values for the buttons and such.
BeSIt's Da BOMB Baby!!!. o O ~ A little nonsense now and then,is relished by the wisest men~ O o .-- Willy Wonka
freak, they did give you examples you could cut and paste.

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