
brand newbie

Started by January 17, 2002 06:33 PM
9 comments, last by aqzman 22 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I am brand new at the world of game designing and I am 13 so i have lots of time to learn everything I need to know before i go out and get a job. But could you guys just tell we what things I should read besides c/c++ I am learning that now. but what programs should I download? and I already read the for beginners section. Thanks for your help, aqzman
Oh and also like what courses I should take when I am in high school like math? science? I do not know. lol

Thanks for your help,
hey there! at least you are starting from the bottom. i''m 15..and remeber being 13 and learning C++! i wouldn''t choose anything different. in highschool...take math...lots of math! algebra, geometry...the whole nine will help a ton! also...look into GIMP and Blender for game graphics...once you get there of course....don''t move too fast or you''ll screw yourself over! best of luck!!!

I love me and you love you.
oh the c++ bible...if you know solid c++ structure, especially OOP, you will thank me greatly later! it''ll make things much easier. also.. when you are ready look into the Nehe tutorials for opengl. i personally think opengl is easier to learn the direct3d..but thats as you wish..i only am trying to help
I love me and you love you.
oh ok thanks for your help. also i am going to try to make a game (tetris clone) after my exams next week do i use a certain program or do i use c/c++?
I commend your for taking the first step.

Having said that, it''s not quite that easy.

Tetris. Dang it, I STILL can''t make Tetris! >_< Of course, that''s my own fault. I might be able to bang it out in QuickBASIC in a couple of hours if I really tried...but I never have.

Anyway, back to the topic, I''d certainly encourage you to learn C++, starting right now, because there is no better language, and there is no better time. If you find it to be too difficult, slow down. There is nothing in the C++ language that is impossible to understand (though some Win32 API code is way out there...) with a bit of study. Some of it is tough though, so don''t be afraid of asking questions and ignoring the idiots who flame you about it.

You most likely won''t find a "program" to make games for you or help you make games (directly). That is, there are certain game creation toolkits, but they either
  • suck,

  • are expensive,

  • are hard to learn,

  • or all of the above.

  • No, grasshopper, there is no way to avoid many of the difficult tasks assembling a game requires. For now, work on learning C++ (that''s a multi-month process, if not multi-year), and then get into graphics using Allegro or some other such lib. Then you can learn the Win32 API (good stuff, it basically lets you program in Windows [where everything up to this point is console (like, DOS)]). From there you can learn OpenGL or Direct3D, etc...

    That''ll take awhile.

    Stick with it.

    You will succeed if you want to.

    Peace out.


    BTW, sorry if I sound condescending, childish, simplistic, angry, antagonistic, demeaning, or anything other such thing. There are many things to take into consideration, and the road is long, but I sincerely want to see all newbies that are on fire to make games do well.

    email me.zealouselixir software. msdn. n00biez.


I left out something crucial. I have to go, but

You''ll need a compiler and an IDE. I recommend Dev-C++, but it''s a matter of choice.

I''ll let someone else explain that (or refute it if they so choose), but I have to go.

I''ll post some links to some topics on this if I get back in time to do it tonight.


email me.zealouselixir software. msdn. n00biez.


For reading a C++ book, I reccommend "Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days" but if you go to the local public library and read some of the C++ books they have (assuming they have them) you should be fine.

As for a compiler, you should get "Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0" - Introductory Edition.

Once you have doen that, you will be well on your way. Not that learning to develop games is not an easy task. You should start by making games that use text input and output, and once you can make some good ones, go into graphics API''s.

Good luck.

Simple DirectMedia Layer:

Main Site - (
Cone3D Tutorials- (''s Tutorials - (Here)


Main Site - (
NeHe Tutorials - (
Online Books - (Red Book) (Blue Book)
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Another hint is: Don''t visit this website too often. It''s not that good.
quote: Original post by Kneelz
Another hint is: Don''t visit this website too often. It''s not that good.

i dunno, i think it is a good website... the only problem is that the more time i spend here the less time i am coding...

--- krez (
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])

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