//Height, Width, and Pitch gotten properly as ints
//outpixel is of type DWORD
//outbyte is of type int
//WriteBuffer is a BYTE * that I finish by
//dumping all into a WriteFile call
BYTE *Bitmap_in = (BYTE*)ddsd.lpSurface;
if (ddsd .ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask == 0x07E0) //if 565
for (loop =Height-1;loop>=0;loop--) for (loop2=0;loop2>5)&0x003f));
WriteBuffer [BufferIndex++] = outbyte;
outbyte = (8*((outpixel>>11)&0x001f));
WriteBuffer [BufferIndex++] = outbyte;
Please help me, this has been chewing on my brain for a while now!
Edited by - ThaUnknownProgga on 2/5/00 2:41:50 PM