Where can I get On-line books?
Is there any website that has lot''s of on-line book that I can download or read as refrence. Because sometimes not everything is covered in the book.it''s better to have other source to take a look of.
Please tell me if you know.
especially for OpenGL, DirectX, or graphic related stuffs.(of course)
I have found a great book for learning Visual C++ at http://www.informit.com/content/0672312425/chapter_16755.shtml
Their homepage of course is www.informit.com where you can do a search and look up other books.
And I recommend buying the books you use, to support the authors.
Their homepage of course is www.informit.com where you can do a search and look up other books.
And I recommend buying the books you use, to support the authors.
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