
Concerning X

Started by January 14, 2002 03:53 PM
6 comments, last by DAharon 22 years, 8 months ago
Does anyone have the problem where the last 4 or 5 mm on the left hand side of the screen appears on the right side? X has always done this to me even now when I have KDE. If you have this problem and have fixed it or if you just know how to fix it, please tell me.
Hmm, I had a problem such as this when I used a really old monitor for my computer... perhaps try a lower resolution and see if that fixes it.

rm -rf /bin/laden
I have tried multiple resolutions and the monitor is an NEC Multisync 3FGe, which I am guessing is about 3 years old, realistically.
Have you tried xvidtune? I think that can be used to position X properly on the monitor.
xvidtune? I''ve never heard of it. Is it something I need to download? Or do I already have it?
quote: Original post by DAharon
xvidtune? I''ve never heard of it. Is it something I need to download? Or do I already have it?

To find out if you have an application installed, type
which <app_name> 

If it is available, it will return the path to the executable.

If you have an RPM-based installation (RedHat, Mandrake, SuSE, etc), you can also query the RPM database (assuming the app was built/installed from RPMs):
rpm -q <app_name> 

I''m sure it''s also possible to query Debian (through apt), though I''m sure you don''t run Deb.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
OK, I tried playing with xvidtune (cautiously, the warning at the beginning kept me from going willy nilly) and I wasn''t able to fix the problem. Maybe its just the video card?
Could be the video card, (what is it?) but I think it might be the monitor, the resolution and refresh rates might be too high/incorrect?

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