Hi, Ive been trying to make a map editor for my game and I want to make it in C++ Builder, but I havent been able to make DirectDraw appear on the window, apparently DirectDraw DOES initialize, but I can''t see it, when I run the program all I see is the dialog and where the primary surface should appear is covered by the window.
I also looked thru the ddraw samples that come with builder, but they''re all for full screen, so that didnt help at all.
Luis Sempe visual@guate.net http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/6276
Make sure you aren''t creating a back buffer. Instead, create an offscreen surface and BltFast it to the primary surface instead of using Flip. Or, you can be like some people and use Blt, so you can use clippers, but REAL programmers don''t USE clippers...er, like real men don''t need instructions too...hehe...ah well thats the difference between windowed and fullscreen. BTW what is the performance hit from using DDraw clippers or whatever in windowed mode for your primary surface? Anyone know?
Possibly, try using the Canvas''s handle rather than the Form''s handle. It might be that Canvas is still displaying over where your surface is being created. Just a guess.