
Are there any female programmers here ??

Started by February 04, 2000 10:53 AM
52 comments, last by Dark Star 25 years, 1 month ago
No problem if there is I just wanted to know. You see these days I don''t see many female programmers, just mostly male all the time and wanted to know how many female coders come here. Thanks
---------------------------------------------You Only Live Once - Don't be afriad to take chances.
Dream on. Unfortunately, they don''t exist.
Speak for yourself.
Yup. I''d say I come here a lot, and I''m female.

-Your friendly moderator fel
~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
I sure hope alot of female coders come here. I''d like to meet a few . The next woman I date is going to have to be able to program as good as or better than me .


It''s not as cool as you think it is, Dave.

I dated a fellow engineer when I was in college. At first it was great. But we were heading home from a date, driving by the Home Depot, when she said, "Hey, there''s a sale on hardware!" So we shopped around for parts & stuff. Kinda killed the romance. Something about women that are into football or soldering that just takes the magic out of it.
From my name (Shannon) I suppose some might think I''m female, but you''re otta luck. ...and I vowed never to marry a woman that was engineer or programmer like myself. (I''ve got an EE degree). I''m glad I stuck to that vow. BTW, not bragging here but my wife doesn''t even know what an "if" statement is, but man is she HOT!

--Shannon Schlomer, BLAZE Technologies, Inc.
--Shannon Schlomer, BLAZE Technologies, Inc.
I really want my future wife to be smart, but......i hope she won''t be into programming. Like has been said, it kills the romance. I like to talk to them, but not if they want more than just that talking.
Oh geez......what will my day look like???
Work (with computers)
coming home....wife (with computers)

ARRRRGH.....I just wanna leave the computer when I''m home from work.....

Dance with me......

I''ve been married for a year and my wife has never been able to adjust to my programming hours. Now, she''s learning how to do it herself. She loves it. I bought a new computer, set up another desk in my office, and we spend more time together than ever before. She''s learning quick, too. So, in our case anyway, it really works.
Que Sera Sera
JeranonGame maker wannabe.

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