
OpenGL: Bones system

Started by February 04, 2000 06:46 AM
0 comments, last by Someone 25 years, 1 month ago
Hi! I''m just wondering if anyone can give any ideas on bones can be done nicely in OpenGL. I heard about using Display Lists and all, but there''s this little problem I have. Well, I model the characters using 3D Studio and use 3D Explorer to convert them into OpenGL codes. This causes the vertices to be reference from a certain point. Example: (to make it easy to visualize, I''ll keep this 2D). Just say we''re drawing an arm... (0,0,0) / / / (0,-5,0)------- (5,-5,0) (0,0,0) is the top vertex of the upper arm, (0,-5,0) is the elbow and (5,-5,0) just say that''s the hand. That is how 3D Explorer will export the 3D Studio data into, with the vertices being referred to a single origin point. So, how do I control that the lower arm''s rotation should be around the elbow vertex, and not the origin vertex? If I use glTranslatef to move to the elbow''s vertex first, drawing the vertex data of (5,-5,0) would result in a vertex at (5,-10,0) since it takes (5,-5,0) as the current origin (after the translation). Hope my explanation can be understood. Anyone has any ideas? By the way, the data exported by 3D Explorer is being used as a vertex array... If possible, a solution that retains the use of a vertex array would be easier, just in case I move on to complex models.
In the glut demos there''s a program called glutmech. You can look there how individual body part rotations can be handled.

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