
PS2 OpenGL

Started by January 12, 2002 07:37 PM
6 comments, last by danielk 23 years, 1 month ago
Hi, I''m very new here, I''ve only been programming OpenGL for about a month, but I seem to be getting through it ^_^ I really want to start devving for the PS2, but neither have the time, nor the resources to allow me to do so effectively from scratch. I''ve heard that there is a version of OpenGL 1.2 availible somewhere??? Has anyone here had any experience with it at all??? Thanks, Dan Transformers Rulez!!
Transformers Rulez!!
Hi. First off, as far as i know, theres no OpenGL for the PS2. I may be wrong, but I doubt it. Sony are a huge corp who can afford to force devs to use their own proprietry API (or at least be safe in the knowledge that no big dev company will let lack of a familiar API stop them from coding for a BIG SELLING new platform), so there would be no point (from their POV) to spending lots of time porting openGL. Witness micro$oft keeping xbox directX based, even though the graphics hardware Nvidia made for it was fully compatible.

Generally, hobby development for consoles is next to impossible for the first few years the console is out. Eventually some public sprited people will hack it and work out how to dev for it, and maybe even tell mortals like us ;¬)

It IS technically possible to code for PS2 without a sony dev kit, as versions of Linux have been released which will run (slowly) on the PS2 hardware. While you can code stuff and get it running on the ps2, don''t hold out any hope of access to hardware acceleration. Simple 2D games may not be out of the question though... Simple Directmedia Layer has a PS2/Linux implementation i beleive.

If you want experience coding for consoles a good place to start is a new article on gamedev on coding on gameboy advance.

If you want to do cool 3D stuff, stick to the PC for now.

Worth bearing in mind that I''m no expert on console coding or the ps2, so some or all of what i said may be incorrect ;¬)
Hope there was a decent answer for you in all that somewhere!

Dan Groom
if you want to dev for a console that has 3d hardware. try dreamcast. there is an article heer on gamedev and its much easier due to the great execs at sega for allowing the MIL-CD format and having a serial port with direct access to the cpu. though a psx may be even easier thanks to emulation allowing easier testing.
Actually, Sony is actively working on "PS2GL".

The current release of the Sony libraries for the PS2 is a horrible mess to deal with. You would think a machine that is only built for gaming would have runtime libraries that make it easy to make a 3d game. WRONG!

Anyway, to do PS2 development the proper way you would need $10,000 for a PS2 TOOL and Sony''s permission to buy one. The TOOL is basically a linux box with a PS2 inside of it. You write your code on your dev machine and upload the code to the TOOL via ethernet.

Trust me, just stick to learning OpenGL/3D on the PC. You don''t need the additional headaches of hacking together some way to run code on a PS2. 100% of what you learn will be useful if you moved on to console development.
Hi. Thanks for all the info. I have found out that there is a Japanese company, who is actually Porting OpenGL 1.2 to the PS2. I''ve found the URL:

Unfortunately, one needs to possess a PS2 dev lisence.... Oh well ^_^

I''ve got the unofficial PSX dev kit (comms card, GNC, Action Replay cart), and I''ve been devving for the GBA in my spare time for a few months now, but I really wanted to get to grips with the PS2 (I was in awe at Jak & Daxter), but can only find little information. I know there is a USB cable + program which is used to upload home brewed game code to the PS2, but I dont think its cheap, and withought much programming info, doesnt seem worth the time. I just thought OpenGL would make things much easier....

By the way, I''m developing a Transformers FPS. I''m currently using the .MD2 model format with the use of the MD2 class from the book Game Programming In OpenGL. I''m using my own lighting, so I have removed the code which generates normals for the moment. When I keep this code in, and have several models on screen (not many), I get quite a bit of slowdown...Even with backface culling.

My current setup is (dont laugh) a K6-2 300, 64 meg RAM, and a Voodoo 3000 PCI. Quake2 runs fine (obviously), so whats wrong with the code????

Should I use BSP trees for the Models???? I''m not even mentioning how slow it gets when I add structures to the world....(I''m thinking of using Octrees for the world, should I use BSP instead??)

Transformers Rulez!!
Transformers Rulez!!
I think there was something about opengl for p2 on

maybe you''ll find it.

i am currently in the process of designing an OpenGL implementation for the PS2. if anyone is interested in assisting in such a project or other projects, let me know. i have written my own assembler and linker for the PS2 and am currently writing a c compiler for the PS2. these tools are and will be available to the public for free.


To the vast majority of mankind, nothing is more agreeable than to escape the need for mental exertion... To most people, nothing is more troublesome than the effort of thinking.
To the vast majority of mankind, nothing is more agreeable than to escape the need for mental exertion... To most people, nothing is more troublesome than the effort of thinking.
"By the way, I''m developing a Transformers FPS. I''m currently using the .MD2 model format with the use of the MD2 class from the book Game Programming In OpenGL. I''m using my own lighting, so I have removed the code which generates normals for the moment. When I keep this code in, and have several models on screen (not many), I get quite a bit of slowdown...Even with backface culling."

You have removed the code which generates normals??? This might just be me, but even if you''re doing your own lighting, aren''t normals quite useful?...

Well to be honest there could be one of a million reasons why your code is running slow! Dont expect us to be able to help you without code. It might be as simple as setting the OpenGL state machine so that rendering -anything- is slow!

BTW I would like to mention that Quake2 contains highly optimised code! If memory serves, when I glanced through the code I noticed that the model interpolation code was optimised in Assembly. I did notice when writing my own MD2 code that interpolation of all those vertices takes a while... Anyway - dont expect the same performance as Quake2 unless you''ve really streamlined your code that is

"My current setup is (dont laugh) a K6-2 300, 64 meg RAM, and a Voodoo 3000 PCI. Quake2 runs fine (obviously), so whats wrong with the code????"

Read above. Though I will mention "Get a faster PC!!!" *g* makes development way more fun! I can write slow code and -still- do cool stuff *g*

"Should I use BSP trees for the Models???? I''m not even mentioning how slow it gets when I add structures to the world....(I''m thinking of using Octrees for the world, should I use BSP instead??)"

No no no no NO DONT USE BSP TREE''S FOR THE MODELS!!! Wow... BSP trees for models - a little ornate wouldn''t you say? *g* No just use a tree structure for level data, not model data! I would recommend using octrees just because Ive seen so many bsp tree rendering engines *g*

Hope that helps some!

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