
C or C++ for console games?

Started by February 04, 2000 01:04 AM
12 comments, last by Qoy 25 years, 1 month ago
I know that most console games are written in C, but with all this talk of C++ being used for games recently, I was wondering, is C++ used in consoles too? I mean, is it even possible to use it on the consoles? Do the compilers that are provided by the manufacturers support C++? Thanks! ------------------------------ Jonathan Little
Assuming that metrowerks tells truth, I think that C++ on gaming consoles is possible ( at least the compilers exist)
However I have no experiece with ConsoleDevelopment at all so I'm not absolutely trustful.

If you like to have a look at
they talk about C/C++ Compilers but perhaps the C++ only includes C++ style comments Don't know.


Edited by - NextS on 2/4/00 8:08:52 AM
C++ is being used in console games. I myself have seen C++ code for a Gameboy game. Cygnus and Metrowerks both ship C++ compilers that can be used for console platforms, notably Playstation/Playstation 2. And besides, even if the compilers didn''t exist, it''s possible to compile from C++ to C.
do you know if it is posssible to use JAVA for console game?

I belive we can (it can run on any platform who as a VR machine!
VR Machine? I think you''ve got your terminology messed up. Java runs on JVMs or Java Virtual Machine.

It is also possible to translate Java to C or C++. And it would be theoretically possible to define native interfaces to the console hardware support. There are the following drawbacks:
- Who would develop the JVM for the console? Sun isn''t interested, and no game company I can think of is going to do it, so you''d be stuck with the job.
- it would be next to impossible to get the performance expected out of a console game in either a VM environment or under a code translation schema. i.e. How the heck are you going to optimize.
So is CodeWarrior available for most platforms or just the PS2?
Si - You''ve seen C++ used for a Gameboy game? Which one (if I might ask?) I know a FEW of the GB games were developed with C compilers, but most are written in assembly. Just curious.

Codewarrior can target N64, Playstation and Playstation2. As well as other assorted other goodies (Palm pilot! Yay!)

As for the Gameboy game, I don''t think I''m allowed to say. NDAs, aren''t they great?
The GBDK for gameboy is a C compiler, But it kidda sucks and I believe that the code limit size is 32k. But it''s free.

The professional assembler is just that, an assembler.

You can also get a good free assember called rbgasm95. I don''t believe that it has a size limit.

I haven''t seen of heard about a C++ compiler for the game boy. It would be hard enough to produce a C compiler for a 8bit machine with only 4 registers and no segment index. (haven''t gotten much into this yet so I am not possitive on my figures)
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

I thought CodeWarrior was also available on BeOS and maybe Linux, too... but I''m not sure if they can target those platforms themselves.


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