
Realtime Anti-Aliasing w/o 3D Card

Started by February 03, 2000 06:18 PM
4 comments, last by SHilbert 25 years, 1 month ago
Are there any really fast line anti-aliasing functions, or is realtime anti-aliasing w/o a 3D card not feasible?
Anti-aliasing is far too slow to use in a software engine. In fact, even things we take for granted like bilinear filtering and alpha blending can cause a system to slow down significantly.

Line antialiasing is not too hard to do, and it should not cost you too much extra time.

Polygon antialiasing is also possible, but then you should not do fullscene antialiasing, but only the edges of the objects that get rendered (the edges that would form a silhouette, if you projected them onto a while plane) You can do this with a second pass over those edges. Since you only have to process about 1% of the pixels, this is pretty fast to implement. Remember, this is not true antialiasing, but it looks good, and that is what counts.

Of course you will slow down the rendering process, but you can lower the resolution and still improve picture quality.



Think about Flash. It''s all anti-aliased (or have you got High Quality turned off?). The program rasterizes vectors with anti aliasing at run time, and supports alpha blending and is damn fast on my P166.

Its possible but, as DaBit suggests, it needs to be done intelligently. Unfortunately, I can''t help you, but I would love to know when you find out!
alpha-blend the edges of the object or surface. its not really anti-aliasing but it smooths the edges some.
Carl "trixter"[][/email]
I havn''t tried this on a full screen yet but one trick I''m trying is to draw your scene at double it''s size and then taking the average color every 2x2 pixels.

Flash uses splines for it''s lines. With a spline, the calculation tells you where the line crosses a point. If the spline crosses the center of the pixel(50%), you draw it all black. If the spline grazes the pixel (10%) you would draw the pixel lighter (20% black)

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!

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