MOD playing with DirectSound / Frequency Transformation
Hi folks,
I have one big problem: I want to use Module Support in my Games (mostly .xm Files), and I have already written some code to load it which works. But I have no idea how to play the samples in different frequencies and tunes. So I''m searching for some information on how to transform these Sample data. If anyone could help me on this, I would be very thankful! Additionally, if someone knows a tutorial on creating design documents (only some examples or similar), please help!
Thanks a lot!
Jan PieczkowskiBrainwave Studios
There''s a whole section on design docs in the Game Design tuts section of gdnet.
Dare To Think Outside The Box
Dare To Think Outside The Box
Write more poetry.
Don't know how old these are, and I believe that they are only for .MOD's and not .XM's, but the principle is the same.
I have source code for a XM player but I would have to e-mail it to you.
Edited by - Gromit on 2/3/00 2:50:00 PM
I have source code for a XM player but I would have to e-mail it to you.
Edited by - Gromit on 2/3/00 2:50:00 PM
Hey Gromit, could you email the sc for the XM player for me too? mail to
Hey Gromit, could you email the sc for the XM player for me too? mail to
Nicodemus.----"When everything goes well, something will go wrong." - Murphy
February 08, 2000 08:23 AM
Don''t write a whole font engine, geez. Just use MIDAS audio library, it is open source freware. It plays everything from Impulse tracker down to regular .mods. The library is written such that it takes baout 5 min to go from installation to mod playing.
Oh that''s cool...where could one get this MIDAS thing?
I too am interested in finding out how to load and play various mod formats...
- Ah, to write code; to compose electrical music, to manipulate the bits that make up everything...such is our chosen line of work. And for a game, no less!
I too am interested in finding out how to load and play various mod formats...
- Ah, to write code; to compose electrical music, to manipulate the bits that make up everything...such is our chosen line of work. And for a game, no less!
- Hai, watashi no chichi no kuruma ga oishikatta desu!...or, in other words, "Yes, my dad's car was delicious!"
February 08, 2000 06:36 PM
This links to MIDAS''s download page. This is by far the best audio library available unless you want MP3 support. MIDAS will play wav, xm, mod, s3m, and IT. It can use Directsound \w 3d features, and can automatically stream your sound files. Best of all, it is free.
This links to MIDAS''s download page. This is by far the best audio library available unless you want MP3 support. MIDAS will play wav, xm, mod, s3m, and IT. It can use Directsound \w 3d features, and can automatically stream your sound files. Best of all, it is free.
There''s also a library calle mikModlib which is available for most OSs.
And it should be able to play soundfx, too. Where you should be able to control stereo and so on.
And it should be able to play soundfx, too. Where you should be able to control stereo and so on.
any of those mod libs free for commercial use? thought i''d ask instead of lookin at the sites. =)
Carl "trixter"[][/email]
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