
Visual representation of my source code possible?

Started by February 02, 2000 10:13 PM
4 comments, last by SikCiv 24 years, 8 months ago
Currently my game contains 7 c++ files and 6 header files, all up exceeding 10000 lines of code, and over 50 of my own functions. It can be a phatt hassle trying to find where a certain variable is modified, or what function is called from where-ever.... Is there a utility to convert all my source files (from the one app) into a visual diagram like a flowchart or like the relational screen in Access, so I can see what function call my other functions, and what vars each function modifies/uses?

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

R U using Visual C++ 6.0, caus Autocomplete does kinda what ur askin, like telling u all the variables, and functions in a class and what not, pretty cool, so u dont have 2 keep looking through those damn header files
Woops, did I not read that very carefully, sorry if that didnt help
I don''t know of any programs like that, but if you are using VC++, then you could use the browse info files... Go to Project Settings, C/C++ tab, General category, and click Generate Browse Info, and also Listing Files category, and Generate Browse Info there too.

Jonathan Little
I use to use the MSDev 97 interface for VC++5, but im sick of my app crashing and waiting for MSDev to reload again, so ive resorted to a C++ editor and the Command Line (batch file based), this has proved to be more efficient for me, but still MSDev doesnt give you a proper graphical rep of all my functions, and what vars they modify.
;- Ill look at to c what i can find ;-

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

There are lots of tools like this ( CASE tools )
Some are really expensive, some are less so...

One I like, although I haven't convinced myself to buy it yet, is Understand For C++ ( )

They do have a trial version you can download.

The cool thing I like about it is that it gives you include/include-by graphs which are great for finding cyclical include dependencies and addressing levelization in physical design.

yahoo has some links in the object-oriented programming section

Edited by - SteveC on 2/3/00 12:28:47 AM

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