Hi, a few days ago, i posted a question on how to do slopes on an iso engine, Bracket helped me alot by showing me how it could be done in directx, I did it in software mode though because I'm using a multiplatform graphic lib that doesn't support any 3d apis, It sure doesn't look as good as it would in 3d but still it's better than my first version

you can check a screenshot of the new version here:
I did it like this :
1) get the y value for all 4 corners of my tile and give them a height based on the surrounding tiles heights
2) split my iso tile in 2 triangles which looks something like this (I hope it'll display well on the msg board) :
3) I then map the left/right sides my "original" tile on these 2 triangles, and thats it i got slopes(Well it's shorter to explain than to do

My question now is how would you apply shades on this kind of slopes implementation? On the screenshot you can see, i did a very dumb one, i add x to each pixel rgb values of my left triangle and trianglewidth-x to each values of my right triangle, I know it could look better if i improved it so that's why I'm asking. Any suggestions? And speed is not really an issue because I made some very efficient and memory hungry tile caching thingy

Edited by - somilth on 2/1/00 11:26:50 PM