
Anyone interested in Mac OS X?

Started by January 05, 2002 04:44 PM
5 comments, last by treknerd 22 years, 8 months ago
Is there anyone out there who wants to learn how to program for Mac OS X? Specifically in game dev? It has lots of graphics technologies, such as OpenGL, built right into the system.
That''s not a question to ask! OF course
I''m still learning how to program, but I''d like to learn OS X. If there are enough people out there to form a ''study group'' that would be great. If you''re interested you can email me at

I''d love to use OS X, but alas, macs are too expensive. Of course, I could get the GNU Darwin disttibution, but now, what''s the fun in having only the Darwin kernel, and no Aqua?

rm -rf /bin/laden
Macs aren''t that expensive. Go check out the autions on ebay. Some iMacs have starting bids as low as $50. Anyway, I think you could get a new one for $800 if you look around.
Unfortunately, X requires an insanely fast system for reasonable performance. I wouldn''t run it on anything less than a G4 ... and that does cost major $$$.
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
I''m running OS X on a 233 Rev. A iMac. It''s a bit slower than the newer computers, but it still runs fast enough for me to do everything I need to. (which is mostly using Photoshop).

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