
Does anybody know this stuff ??

Started by January 05, 2002 01:30 PM
4 comments, last by ergin 22 years, 8 months ago
I wonder ,is there any game engine professional? I mean I saw some on internet but they seemed very ametour to me. I am a MSVC++ programmer and wanted to make a game. How can I find a real qualified engine with documents. Is there a list on internet ? OpenGL seemed easier but I worry it lacks performance. Is it slow then Direct3D?? And last what are those "map editor,modeler" programs?? Isn''t 3DS Max enough? Thanks for your answers . byee
I am eager to learn and very excited.
quote: Original post by ergin
I wonder ,is there any game engine professional? I mean I saw some on internet but they seemed very ametour to me. I am a MSVC++ programmer and wanted to make a game.
How can I find a real qualified engine with documents. Is there a list on internet ?
OpenGL seemed easier but I worry it lacks performance. Is it slow then Direct3D??

Seems like a prank post and if it is I am falling for it but if its not I apologize for the statement :-

Firstly opengl and Direct3D are not game engines. They are API which help you with game(in general graphics) programming Performance of both are good. Both are documented well. For Opengl the red book is online which is a very good resource. Game engines :-- hmm How about the Quake engine ?? amatuer ?
Hello from my world
It must be a prank post. And if he just doesn''t have a clue, it still qualifies as a prank.
Sorry !
I think I explained wrongly. Maybe my bad English. They were separete questions.
Anyway. I know OpenGL and DirectX are just API''s. To Create my own engine I use one of them.If I find one suitable for me I don''t need. I know these kind of answers. I started learning OpenGL and DirectX. I know a little bit both. This was a separete question.
I saw Genesis3D, FreeCraft, fly3D, CrystalSpace....But according the screenshots I saw , they didn''t seemed good enough. I don''t know maybe they were just examples.
I''d heard of Quake engine.But I couldn''t think it would be free. Is it free ? Are there others free?That would be the answer.
sorry for inconviniance.Thanks
I am eager to learn and very excited.

If you seriously think the screen shots shows non proffesional 3d engines. Why not download the demos available? I had a look on Genesis just out of curiosity, and I cant agree with you.

If you dont know about OpenGl performance, maybe you need more experience/knowledge before using one of these available engines. Thats just my guess, maybe I''m wrong. No offence.

Good luck.

Mvh Mario..
Warm regardsMario..
Genesis3D, amatuer? Are you nuts? Gen3D is wonderful... It is every bit as good as could be expected to come out of most in house development efforts. I think you may not know quite what you are looking at or for. Do you have any idea how much it cost for a non-GNU license of Genesis3D? It is definatly NOT an amatuer project.

I think you may need to dfine what you are realy looking for... And as an amatuer yourself, look a little deeper than you are.

My sig used to be, "God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him..."
But folks whinned and I had to change it.

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