
How would YOU go about this?

Started by January 31, 2000 04:25 PM
0 comments, last by LordDeath 24 years, 8 months ago
Hi. I''m working on a senior design project with a few other people and it is a game. This is the 3rd game I have done, but the first two (a card game and a RPG-battle engine game) were both console text based and < 5000 lines of code. Without boring you with too many details, our game is a strategy game where the goal is to start your own computer company, and build up to a microsoft-type status in your area (i.e. being very rich, having a monopoly, etc) Sub-goals will include hiring, training and KEEPING good employees, and acquiring and KEEPING good clients who buy your products. We are envisioning a user interface somewhat similar to Master of Orion, or X-COM... where there are 5-10 "screens" which present the information on various things, such as your employees, current projects, clients, budget, etc. Minimal interface will be done with buttons on the different screens hopefully, with the possibility of allowing the user to "click" on the name of an employee on a list of employees, and having it go to the "individual employee" page, displaying info on that employee. Overall we are trying to keep this as realistic as possible to complete by the end of the semester, but while still keeping it somewhat ambitious. Though our game focuses on the AI, the user interface is of concern to me because none of our members have done this before. Would anyone know or have suggestions based on experience, about good ways to represent the "screens" and "buttons" etc for this type of interface in our game? We were planning on using directx for this, in order to handle the mouse, keyboard, sound, graphics, etc... Just looking for advice/suggestions from people who have been there, and want to offer some friendly help or encouragement. Thanks. -Marc
First thing I would do is create a design document. List every feature you want in the game. This is a great top-down design exercise. Start with the feel of the game, then pick the large features like , starting, economy, corporate warfare.... Next take each of the features and break them down into logical components that can then be handed to individuals to design and implement. The creation and maintenance of documentation in a faithful manner will allow you to get the project done properly. Organization is the key to anything that has to get done fast.

Second I would set up easy communciation guidelines. What I mean by this, is that it should be easy for any one member of the team to tell everyone or another member that they are working with a file, or adding a feature. Communication is second to Organization for a successful project.

Lastly, of all the features in your document, prioritize them. Know which ones you can chop off the end of the game should deadlines happen too fast. In doing this you should only work on the parts that must be in the game to ship it. When time permits, closer to the end of the development, you can begin to add those advanced features you planned for.

Hope this helps

ps Don't forget about ART and SOUND. Get these moving along as fast as possible or you won't be able to test your wonderful code when it is complete.

Edited by - kressilac on 2/1/00 8:44:53 AM
Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.

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