
Windows Game Programming for Dummies

Started by January 31, 2000 03:18 AM
0 comments, last by wise_Guy 25 years, 1 month ago
Hallo all, Just wondering, in the book by Andre Lamoth, a bitmap loading function is given. It seems to work fine, but when i unload the first bitmap after displaying it, whatever, I can''t load another one - there isn''t enough memory. I''ve scanned through the code and there isn''t a leak that my inexperience C++ brain can detect, but has anyone else experienced this and/or discovered a solution. Or has anyone else got a bitmap loader that''s reliable and easy to use (and free, preferably...) thanks for your help... wiseGuy
Use the ddutil bitmap loaders that come with direct x you can find them in the directories folder. There are two versions DDLoadBitmap and DDReLoadBitmap, there almost the same except DDReLoadBitmap loads a bitmap straight into a surface. Later.
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me

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