
Level/Map editors

Started by January 30, 2000 11:22 PM
4 comments, last by Jim_Ross 24 years, 8 months ago
Can someone point me to a level or map editor with a documented file format? Ideally, if it didn't have a docuemnted file format, it would have documented java classes that could be used to load the map into a program. P.S. don't say mappy Edited by - Jim_Ross on 1/30/00 11:24:02 PM
Sorry buddy, but mappy is the best map editor that I''ve seen out there that''s free. It''s also got documentation for it''s file format. Try downloading the tutorial on the mappy site & you might have better luck with it. If you still don''t want to use it you''ll need to make your own.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
I''m making a map editor for my game. I looked at Mappy, and it was sort of a pain, in my opinion... I find it nice to be able to use something custom designed, just for your project.. Plus, you''ll learn a lot from making it. I know I have.

Jonathan Little
i too have written my own map editor, and have discovered the advantages of creating a utility that is completely customized to your project. another thing to consider if you decide to create your own is, try to design it so it can be modified without much hassle to accomodate changes in your game engine, or to add new features to the system. my advise would be to design the implementation of your map system in C++, that way when you add new features the existing ones will not be affected. hope this helps.

I knew i was going in house for the map editor, i just wanted to look at some file formats for storing them. I d/led everything on mappy''s site and found no information on the file format itself. And the source code for the java playback libraries give me a head-ache from looking at them. I might re-write them for him if there was one once of documentation on the file format, not on how to use the gui. I figure, why document the gui, don''t we all know how to click a tile, then click a grid space? I mean, it is made for game programmers right?
Excuse the obvious sales pitch, but if you''re in 256 color, check out MapMaker 5.

Not free, but pretty close.

Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!
Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!

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