
What's good for begginers?

Started by January 30, 2000 10:04 PM
4 comments, last by MrMan 25 years, 1 month ago
I just started to get intrested in porgramming and game devolpment but have no idea where to start. I know some about QBASIC but that''s it so I need a book or somthing for a guide. I''m don''t have much to spend. Any ideas?
The way I got started game programming was by getting a book on C. The dummies books and Tony Zhangs book were great helpers. Once I had a good understanding of C, I got Windows Game Programming for Dummies: By Andre Lamothe. That''s the way I got started and it really helped. It is a little expensive, but it works.
read everything in the section off the main page titled "start here"
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Just don't try to do too much too soon. Obviously, in order to do game programming, you need to be able to program. Make this your first step. Once you have a decent grasp of that, then you can start getting into game specific programming.

You are going to need a good C/C++ book and a compiler. Try to shop around becuase some learning books have a limited edition of Visual C++ included with them. This is probably your best bet. (Any suggestion guys?)

If that is still too expensive, there are some free compilers availible, but they usually aren't as easy to use as a professional development enviornment.

Edited by - I-Shaolin on 1/31/00 10:52:19 AM

I''ve read many confilicting articles on the subject of what is good for begginers to learn and I need more opinions. I''m thinking about either Visual C++, Visual Basic or Java right now.
Luke S..... andam ka.....

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