

Started by December 24, 2001 07:45 PM
3 comments, last by Strife 22 years, 9 months ago
I really want to completely nuke windows from my dual boot machine, but the only thing REALLY holding me back is that I can''t play (most) of my games under Linux. I''ve gotten some minimal support for Half-Life with WINE, but it doesn''t fully work (it freezes when it gets to the part where it says "LOADING..."). I''ve heard great things about winex, and I actually got to the point where I downloaded the current CVS source. Alas, I couldn''t even get autoconf to create a working configure script! So I haven''t been able to get it to work. Does anyone have a working CVS snapshot that''s tarred that I could maybe download? I would try getting a different snapshot, but my connection is horrible (it took me a loooooong time to get it the first try). rm -rf /bin/laden
Most CVS projects come with a '''' script to generate the configure file (sh to generate it). I just downloaded winex from CVS and it has a configure script (which worked without a problem).
First of all, I meant to apologize about the pseudo-off-topicness of the original post, but I forgot

Anyway, there is no, but after running autoconf, configure doesn''t work. That''s why I''m screwed

rm -rf /bin/laden
hmm how about downloading via CVS ? Not a snapshot, just grab the latest source tree from CVS? That''s how I got it and it had everything I needed (including a configure script). It also compiled without a problem.

Note than you should never have to run ''autoconf'' yourself (that is, on someone else''s project).

Anyway, I can send you an archive of the working CVS tree I downloaded some days ago (and compiled with gcc 2.95.3, haven''t tried with 3.x yet), but it''s 5.3 Mb (tar and bzip2) so it might be too big for your mailbox. Or I can upload it to some place if you want.

Sorry but I can''t allow FTP to go through my firewall...
Actually, if you could upload it somewhere for me, that would be great. I''ve tried getting the CVS twice now, and both times, the configure script hasn''t worked. I think part of the problem is that I have to use WinCVS to download it because my linux box isn''t directly connected to the net, and I think this is causing some sort of permissions problem when I zip it up and put it on my linux box.

rm -rf /bin/laden

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