
RedHat 7.2 - FTP/Download problems + other things..

Started by December 24, 2001 08:33 AM
9 comments, last by Vex 22 years, 9 months ago
Hi, I''m a linux newbie, so bare with me.. I''ve finally got a linux installation working (I''ve tried a couple of times over the past couple of years), and I really like it. However I''ve got some problems, hopefully someone here can help? First some information on my set up. I''m dual booting to Linux via a floppy disk (bit crap, but once I''m happy with linux it''ll become my primary OS, so I can deal with it for now). I''ve got another machine running windows 98SE and Proxy+ proxy server, I''ve got the Linux machine connecting up to the proxy and getting out to the ''net (I''m posting from Linux now). Problems.. 1. My main problem is downloading files, HTTP is working as I can browse websites, however downloading files always fails. The download starts and then after a short time it ends. Opera reports that the file has downloaded (even though the file is a different size). Konqueror tries to copy the file and then just ends before completing. There''s no error messages or anything. The 8port hub that I''m using has a collision LED (I''ll be honest I don''t really know what the collisions mean exactly but I know they aren''t good). This light flickers a lot while downloading files. Also attempting to connect to any FTP sites results in a ''connect: Network is unreachable''. So there''s some sort of network problem, but I don''t really know what.. I''m certainly not new to computers but I don''t know enough about Linux to know where to start looking or where to change things. Can anyone give me some pointers? I''ve got a number of other things to sort out before I become a Linux convert, but it''s definately a lot nicer than windows... Vex / Developer --------------- Aeonian
Vex / Developer---------------Graphic RealityG4MES.netAvailable for freelance J2ME work.. :)
quote: Original post by Vex

The 8port hub that I''m using has a collision LED (I''ll be honest I don''t really know what the collisions mean exactly but I know they aren''t good). This light flickers a lot while downloading files.

Also attempting to connect to any FTP sites results in a ''connect: Network is unreachable''.

So there''s some sort of network problem, but I don''t really know what.. I''m certainly not new to computers but I don''t know enough about Linux to know where to start looking or where to change things.

Can anyone give me some pointers? I''ve got a number of other things to sort out before I become a Linux convert, but it''s definately a lot nicer than windows...

What you need isn''t really a Linux expert but rather a Network expert as that''s seems to be your problem. ( Good thing, I''m studying to become a Net Admin so I''ll give it a try. ) But first, a few questions to help me out, what kind of humb are you using, what''s the proxy server you''re using??? Give me some hints so I can help you out here... You say the Codllision light flickers alot that could mean alot of things, how many computers are connected on your network???

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The hub is a Genius LAN 8-Port Hub, 10Mbps. There are four machines on the network (one via BNC), however only two of the machines are on at the moment. The proxy server is ''Proxy+'', running on windows 98SE. The Linux machine dual boots to windows 2000, and that works fine on the network, and can download files without much problem.

HTTP works fine. FTP/Ping/Telnet don''t work for the external network. DNS lookup does though. Ping works for the internal network (can''t test FTP/Telnet as I don''t have them running on the 98SE machine).

Any thoughts?

Vex / Developer
Vex / Developer---------------Graphic RealityG4MES.netAvailable for freelance J2ME work.. :)
Well, ping and telnet shouldn''t work, because proxy servers don''t really have support for these. If you want full ''net support, you''ll need to use a router (either software or hardware) instead of a proxy server.

rm -rf /bin/laden
one thing to check on the file downloads is.....if you're trying to download to a directory you don't have write access to, it will have that same behaviour. Make sure you are downloading to your home directory.

The default firewall setup with your RH install could also be blocking the ports for your telnet and ftp. It has them turned off by default.

Edited by - subnet_rx on December 24, 2001 11:41:19 AM
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Okay, so Ping/Telnet shouldn''t work. But FTP should... and it''s not a file/directory access problem as the files are going to my home directory, and partial files are being created....

This is annoying as I want to use Linux, but if I can''t download any of the utilties I need then it''s not going to be much use.. as windows is (annoyingly!) working fine on the network...

Does anyone know what causes network collisions? and how to remedy them? as I''m sure this is the problem....

Vex / Developer
Vex / Developer---------------Graphic RealityG4MES.netAvailable for freelance J2ME work.. :)
Well, not knowing anything about network collisions, I'm gonna have to say Google.

rm -rf /bin/laden

Edited by - CmndrM on December 24, 2001 6:59:17 PM
Hmm... Yeah, I''ve been searching google most of the day for answers.. It seems that collisions arn''t really a bad thing and are usually down to hardware problems in large networks...

It''s only when running linux on this machine that excessive collisions are occuring, very few occur when running windows 2000.

What I have found though is that downloading files on any of the machines isn''t working properly, so it''s probably a problem with the proxy server machine, which I''m investigating at the moment..

Still I''d like to figure out why Linux is causing all those collisions, it''s obviously something I''ve set up wrong somewhere...

Anybody know of a linux ftp program that works with a SOCKS proxy server?

Vex / Developer
Vex / Developer---------------Graphic RealityG4MES.netAvailable for freelance J2ME work.. :)
That''s really weird that you''re only getting what''s normally a hardware problem when using a certain OS. I really have no idea why that would be.

As for FTP programs that work via proxy, go to Sourceforge and search for "ftp client" or something like that. Usually there''ll be a good one there.

rm -rf /bin/laden
if you''re NAT''ing (ie all your computers have private IP not routable to the internet, while your proxy computer has the only routable one), FTP can''t work. NAT forwards data according to the port used by the application. A FTP client uses port 21 to connect to the server and authenticate and tells it to call back on an arbitrary port (that''s it, in a nutshell). So a NAT box won''t be able to forward it: you''ll need to connect through a FTP proxy (I don''t know that proxy+, so I don''t know if it does FTP).

The easy to check if it is your problem is to just download something from a FTP on the NAT box. If it works, it''s probably your problem.

If that''s not what you''re doing, all of this is pretty much irrelevant.. Sorry

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