
How do I set mode 13h using Win32?

Started by January 28, 2000 09:36 PM
3 comments, last by KaneBlackflame 25 years, 1 month ago
I am a big DOS programmer. I like doing all of my own stuff. I just did an awsome fire demo and want to turn it into a scren saver, but I need to access mode 13h through windows to do it. I''ve heard about Death() and Resurect(), and a few other methods, but I need some concrete examples. Does anyone know how? I''m desperate!!
"Victims...aren't we all?" -Brandon Lee, the Crow
Just do a standard int 16 instruction. It won''t work in NT, but it works in Win95. Haven''t tried it in Win98.
I am leaving this question on the forum because int 10h does not work. It causes a general protection fault because windows is still in the way in a WIN32 application. Non WIN32 apps can use that function, but not WIN32 still in windows. Does anyone know about DisplayDib.dll, Death / Resurrection(GDI.EXE), or DisableOEMLayer / EnableOEMLayer (USER.EXE)?
"Victims...aren't we all?" -Brandon Lee, the Crow
why don''t you use DDraw ? Win9x normally doesn''t support Mode13h, when running the old Pascal-whatever apps, it runs in a compatibilty mode, but that''s not possible with Win32-applications. You have to use DDraw to get into Mode13h IIRC. Why not simply change the display mode using DDraw and then do the rest on your own ?


Graphix Coding @
Skullpture Entertainment
Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
NEVER try to work with graphics in Windows like you would in DOS. Its simply A Bad Idea. Use DDraw instead. It''s much easier, and it will make certain that your program doesn''t have any future incompatabilities with new OS''s.


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